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Eaffin of <br /> C-fi <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02849 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : July 18, 1984 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Richardson Jonas, <br /> Harold Collins <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Michele Stone <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles Rowley <br /> TIME : 8: 00 p.m. <br /> Mr. Morse for Sea Oaks condos care before the Board requesting an <br /> approval for their access road, He said the plans weren't completed <br /> for today and wanted to know if it would be possible to give then to <br /> Mr. Rowley on Monday so he can look at it and see if and what changes <br /> are required . He said there 's no crushed stone on pant of the road <br /> and the 1st building is nearing completion and they want to sell it <br /> so they want the binder on the road. He stated the state changed <br /> the entrance way on the curb permit and they approved the entrance <br /> .f <br /> !; of the road, <br /> Mr. Dubin told Mr. horse the Board never received any road profiles <br /> and Ift. Marsters said the Board also hadn't received a revised -site <br /> plan, <br /> Mr. Morse said he would get the site plan revised and the profiles , <br /> Mr., Rowley said he would review what 's submitted but he didn't feel <br /> any special consideration should be given them because they didn't <br /> submit the plans to this Board, <br /> Mr. Dubin asked if after his review if he felt he should report to the <br /> full Board and Mr. Rowley said the Board should have an opportunity <br /> to see the plan as he can only give a technical review. <br /> Mr. Dubin told Mr. Morse he should have submitted the plans prior to <br /> this stage , Mr. Morse said he just got into the project a few weeks <br /> ago and he vans It looking for special favors , He said he thinks the <br /> plans will meet the requirements and what needs to be done will be <br /> done . <br /> Mr. M rsters told Mr. Morse to get the plans to Mr. Rowley and he 'll <br /> have a report for the next meeting, at which time the Board will <br /> review the recommendations , <br /> 4 <br /> Mr. Morse asked to be placed on the next meeting's agenda , <br />