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SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes for the regular meeting held on October 12, 2017 were <br /> mailed to members before the meeting. A motion was made by Jill Allen and seconded by <br /> Kevin Shackett to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was Adopted:. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT & BUDGET UPDATE: Mrs. Botsford stated that the accountant <br /> had prepared the Budget to Actual report based on the Fiscal Year 2017 figures again, since <br /> budget guidelines have not been issued. Mrs. Botsford reviewed the report and explained any <br /> variances. Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for review and signature. The warrants for <br /> signature tonight are for the month of October and total as follows: $33,256.72 for 4001, <br /> $47,893.00 for MRVP, $29,388.54 for Asher's Path Apartments, $6,770.04 for IIAP, and <br /> $10,348.50 for Great Cove Community. <br /> We have all residents paid in full at all developments with the exception of one Homeyer Village <br /> resident who will have it in by the end of the week. We have one vacancy at Asher's Path that <br /> will be leased tomorrow. At the end of November we will have one vacancy at Asher's Path, one <br /> at Homeyer Village, and one family unit at Breezy Acres. The two elderly should not be difficult <br /> to turn over, but the family unit will require a little work. We will be contracting out the <br /> painting. We are 100% occupied at other developments. <br /> A motion was made by Richard Halpern and seconded by Jill Allen to accept the <br /> Treasurer's Report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT & UPDATES: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her reports for October and had just a few items to add: <br /> • Recently Mrs. Botsford reviewed the Mashpee Housing Authority's Mission Statement <br /> and, given all of the other work we are doing now, suggested a couple small changes. <br /> This item can be tabled or taken up under other business. There is no policy change,just <br /> some wording changes in the mission. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford updated the board on the delay with the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget <br /> Guidelines from DHCD. DHCD wants to issue the budget guidelines along with the new <br /> Executive Director Salary Schedule so that housing authorities can budget for increases <br /> allowed to the Executive Director salary. This is all still being reviewed by the <br /> Governor's office and Administrative and Finance. Guidelines and the Executive <br /> Director Salary Schedule will hopefully be out in the next 30 days. DHCD acknowledges <br /> that they will need to allow for extra time for housing authorities to submit their budgets, <br /> due to not only their delay in getting them out, but also the holidays. Mrs. Botsford will <br /> keep the board updated. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford and Carol Mitchell both attended the MassNAI-IRO Fall Conference <br /> yesterday and today. There were many good sessions and trainings and some policy <br /> updates will be corning. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford stated that it was that time of the year when the board could do an <br /> evaluation of the Executive Director. Mr. Halpern asked what happened if they didn't do <br /> one and Mrs. Botsford responded that it is in her contract:that if there wa.3 no annual <br /> evaluation done, then that meant that her performance was exceptional and there was no <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />