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5 a r <br /> days. The project will move forward; everyone is committed to that. The board thanks Ms. Canner for <br /> attending the meeting. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on December 12, 2012 were mailed to members before the meeting. <br /> A motion was nude by Mr. Shackett and seconded by Mr, Halpern to accept the minutes as <br /> presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S F ER' REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Bud et to Actual Fie ort: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. The report is based on the budget <br /> for Fiscal Year 2012, since our Fiscal Year 2013 has net yet been approved. Mrs. Botsford shared with <br /> the board the copy of the letter sent to LHC on December 20, 2012 from the Chairperson with regards <br /> to the budget certifications. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for lgnat.ure.- The warrants for signature <br /> tonight are for the month of December and total as follows: $52,491.71 for 4001,'$7,996.0 for Section <br /> 8,.$16,648.00 for MF VP, $28,718,30 for Ash is Path Apartments and $10,357.52 for the Housing <br /> Assistance Program <br /> We have all residents paid in full at Breezy Acres and Ash is Path. We have one resident who hasn"t paid <br /> at H rneyer Village; it is the one we are going to court with. The'court date has been moved to January <br /> 81. We are 100% occupied at all sites. A motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Nor. { <br /> haktt to accept the treasurer's report as presented, The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DII ECT RYS REPORT: <br /> F T: <br /> Mrs. Botsford mailed members her written report for December and added the following report: <br /> • Responding to Public Housing Notice 2018-1, she submitted a request for funding for two small <br /> projects relating to health and safety. If they are approved, we will be fixing the walk way at <br /> Horn yer Village that is rippling due to the tree roots and correcting the grading at the storm <br /> drain at Breezy Acres. <br /> • Iecertificatins have started for Homeyer Village and Breezy Acres residents. <br /> Mrs. Botsford reminded board members to do the Conflict of Interest training program on-line. <br /> Mrs. Botsford mentioned that she had been selected as Member of the Month for MssNAHF . <br /> Mrs. Botsford then gage ar detailed update on theGovernor's bill submitted today and the <br /> upcoming legislation MassNAHRO pleas on firing. <br /> NEVA BUSINESS: <br /> CHC Public Housin Notice 2012-21 Contact Information: Per Public Housing Notice # 2012-21, Mrs. <br /> Basford asked the board which of the personal contact information would they like displayed on the <br /> housing authority website. It was agreed that email addresses would be best:. <br /> Housing.Assistance Pry ram Update: Ms. Botsford will be going to the Affordable Housing Committee and <br /> the Community Preservation Committee to gyre ars update on the program, which has been very <br /> successful. An application for more funding may be submitted, if it appears the committee is supportive <br /> of the program and the results we are having. <br /> THERBUSINESS: None <br /> COMMUNICATIONSL CORRESPONDENCE: None other than those already mentioned. <br /> Page 2 of <br />