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2/14/2013 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
2/14/2013 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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TREASURER'S FtE P T: <br /> Budaet to Actual Ike ort: Mrs. Botsford presented the budget to actual report, prepared by the fee <br /> accountant, and reviewed it with the board, explaining the variances. The report is based on the budget <br /> for Fiscal Year 2012, since our Fiscal Year 2013 has not yet been approved, although Mrs. Botsford heard <br /> from DHCD this morning and the budget is being recommended for approval. Once it is finalized, we will <br /> be notified. <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature, The warrants for signature <br /> tonight are for the ,month of January 2013 and total as follows: $24,823.96 for 4001, $8,050.00 for <br /> Section S., $16,130.00 for MRVP, $44,640.88 for Asher's Path Apartments and $13,058,20 for the Housing <br /> Assistance P rg ra ren. <br /> i <br /> We have all residents paid in full at Breezy Acres and Asher's Path. We have one resident who hasn't paid <br /> at Homeyer Village and we just entered into an agreement for possession today at court. we are l00% <br /> occupied at all sights but expect 2 vacant units at Asher's Path at the end of the month. The process is <br /> underway for selecting new residents. A motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. <br /> haat to accept the treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adapted. a. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford railed members her written report for January and added the following report: <br /> • overnor"s Commission/Advisory Committee update: I've attended two ,meetings this month. <br /> Mass NAHRO has filed its legislation —completely different from Governor Patrick's—and has <br /> received co-sponsor support for 79 legislators. t met with Representative Vieira and he is not <br /> supporting theGovernor's bill. <br /> • Vincent did an excel lent job over the weekend in handling all of the properties following and <br /> during the blizzard. <br /> 0 we received our Formula Funding award for Fiscal Year 2015. I will need to go into the database <br /> to adjust and update what vire have done so far. This system is currently being upgraded by <br /> DHCD and I'm hoping to attend some training on how the new system works. So far, we have <br /> done all of our Fiscal Year 2012 projects (replace Horns/strobes in Fire Alarm system, replaced all <br /> stair treads in 3 stair wells, installed new kitchen counter tops. For Fiscal Year 2013 Capital <br /> Improvements, so far we have completed the replacement of CO2 detectors in all units, replaced <br /> the Electrical Disconnect/breaker at Breezy Acres, and replaced the bathroom fan motors in all <br /> units. Six more kitchen countertops are scheduled to be replaced in the net ,month, a new <br /> washer and dryer will be purchased in the spring, two flooring replacements will be done as units <br /> turn over, and two kitchen counter tops, sinks, and kitchen cabinets will be replaced at Breezy <br /> Acres in the net month or so. <br /> 0 The State Auditor is still conducting their audit. They are running about I month longer than <br /> expected, but should be done by parch 1. <br /> We received permission to destroy old records, so the shredding of them has started. <br /> • As agreed in the mediation, I will be meeting with Asher's Path residents every other month to go <br /> over any issues/concerns they have. My first ,meeting is nett Thursday evening. <br /> • I checked with DHCD today on the status of our budget, and it is being recommended for <br /> approval. If approved by the department head, we should get a later in the next couple weeks. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres EXansion great Cove Community UJ date; Ms. Danner was not present for the meeting, as <br /> expected so ,Firs. Botsford gave a short update to the board. Ms. Danner will attend the meeting in <br /> March. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Page 2 of <br />
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