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f� <br /> Agreement-was arrived to meet again Monday, Nov. 25th in Boston to settle on valuation-methodology <br /> guidelines for the five prime llarhpe projects. <br /> • Vote to Authorize Third Quarter Preliminary Tax Bills if needed) <br /> Gregg Fraser made a motion that the Board grant approval by the Director of Assessing to authorize <br /> third quarter preliminary tax bills if needed. Sheldon Holzer seconded the motion. The motion was <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> • <br /> Request t from Talc Collector to Abate Uncollectible Motor Vehicle Excise Taxes <br /> Gregg Fraser made a motion that the Board grant the request from the tax collector to abate the <br /> following three uncollectible motor vehicle excise taxes: <br /> 1 Kirsten Wood —Warrant Service Date. 9107/201 <br /> 2 Michael J. Silva —Warrant service Date: 98/1712008 <br /> 8 Michael J. silvle —Warrant service Dante: 11/17/2008 <br /> Sheldon Holzer seconded the motion. The motion was unanim usly approved. <br /> NEXT MEETING DATE —To Be Determined. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> As there was no further business,iness, Paul Andrews moved that the meeting be adjourned. Sheldon <br /> Filer seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:85 <br /> Pm. <br /> Fepetfully submitted, <br /> Ira G. Iobhrn <br /> Recording ording secretary <br /> 2 <br />