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committee agreed to award $150.,108 (the full amount) <br /> towards this project. <br /> . Mashpoo Historical Commission, Display p nnois for o <br /> pictorial history of Hashpoo. Rnn Whitelow opllnod that <br /> th ' would like M shpoo's 125th Rnniuersary ort oohibit and <br /> other historical items now located at the Mashpoo f r hiues <br /> to be put on panels to be used as portable ouhibit. Amount <br /> requested $6811. The committee agreed to award $380.813 <br /> towards this project.. <br /> 4. Mashpee Ufflage Youth Program, a uisit to Plimouth <br /> Plantation, Tracey Fortes onplind the money requested <br /> mould be used to take local youth members of this program <br /> ages 12-15 to Piimouth Plantation. The money would be used <br /> for admission tickets. Total amount requested $2913. The <br /> committee agreed to award $208.00 (the full amount) <br /> towards this project, <br /> 5. The fiodomg of Performing Rrts, Benin Wilson-Indian <br /> Dan o. Tricia Wilson represented this program. Bouin Wilson <br /> will concuct o lecture/demonstration and hands-on workshop <br /> of Indian dance of the Mashpee Elementary Schools. Total <br /> amount requested $588. The committee agreed to award <br /> $500.80 (the full amount) towards this project. <br /> . Cope P Islands Jazz Collaboration, Jodi Clinger <br /> represented this organization, The moneg mould be used to <br /> put on a ,jazz performance for Mashpee schools. Total <br /> amount requested $580, The committee agreed to award <br /> $589.00 (the full amount) towards this project, <br /> 7. Maggio Carchrie -F i us ,, Program of Scottish Music <br /> & Dance. R -198 minute performance of traditional Scottish <br /> music and dance at the M shp o Senior Center, Rmol. nt <br /> requested $158.110 The committee agreed to award $158.86 <br /> (the full amount) towards this project, <br />