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Mashpee Cultural Council meeting 4/25/02 8:30 a.m. <br /> Present: Jim Long, Joan Brown, Ann whitlow,, Helene DeFoe, and Maureen Rounds, <br /> Lola McCray and Sunny Merritt. <br /> Minutes of 12/6/01 were approved. Motion to approve made by S. Merritt and seconded <br /> by A. Whitlow. <br /> Jim Long opened the meeting by welcoming Lola McCray to the committee. Lola had <br /> been a member for five or six years previously and is rejoining the committee for a new <br /> term_ Iola gave a bnief overview of how the committee functioned during her prior <br /> service. She mentioned that performers were invited to appear before the comnu*ttee to <br /> make a presentation in addition to their wr'tten grant application. She also provided <br /> some history on how the previous committee had handled the financial aspects of the <br /> grant awards. <br /> Jinn and Joan have been trying to track down past financial records to determine how <br /> much funding had been carried over from prior grant rounds. They had success at <br /> tracking down who had been paid for completing their performances but had no luck at <br /> tracking down records on grants that might be outstanding but not paid. The committee <br /> felt that any performer wh had not completed their project within a year of the grant <br /> award would be out of luck. Those funds should roll over to the next grant round. Jim <br /> and Joan will continue searching for the next few weeks to reconcile payments made and <br /> remaining funds. They will meet in a couple of weeks to discuss their findings. If no <br /> further information is available, the committee felt they should accept the balance figure <br /> Diane Rommelmeyer had provided to then. As of 4/11/02, the account had $3,724.95 as <br /> a balance. The committee received 3,3 00.oo in March.2002, so $3 24.95 would have <br /> been carried over from prior years. The committee had approved $3,400.00 in grants, so <br /> $224.95 will carry over to the fall grant round. <br /> Jim had asked Lisa Hergenrother if the committee could award funds fromprior years <br /> this spring_ He was told that the funds had to be carried over to the next grant round. <br /> Year-to-date, Ard Gras and the pass program to see the Nutcracker have been completed <br /> and paid. Dates have been set for the following performances: <br /> Yankee Notion will perforin on the library grounds August I& as part of the Artisan's <br /> Fair. <br /> Ruth Hercovitz willerform at the Senior Center on May 29P. <br /> rd <br /> P y <br /> Roger Ticknell will appear at the library on July 2 . <br /> Alicia Quintana has been in contact with Janet Burke, Children's Librarian, to set a date <br /> for a performance this summer. Helene will check with Janet to see if a date has been set.. <br /> The Ziter'ori Theater trip has been scheduled for May I". <br /> Jiro has not heard from the Boys and Girls Club about a slate for their project. He will <br /> check with them to see if something has been scheduled. <br />