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.7 <br /> 4/25/02 page 2 <br /> Discussion followed about comments passed along to the committee about Kathy Sharpe <br /> rlsble's disappointment in not getting a grant. Ann had. been told that Kathy felt the <br /> letter was very cold. aA copy of the letter was read aloud. The form letter had been taken <br /> from the grants manual. It's a typical form letter, stating that while many worthwhile <br /> applications had been submitted, limited funds were available. The committee selected <br /> those projects with the broadest appeal. The letter contained a checklist of reasons why <br /> the application was denied. The committee wondered if the checklist was what lathy <br /> found objectionable. Sunny volunteered to work on drafting a more personal letter. She <br /> will try to come up with several versions, which list the appropriate reason rather than <br /> giving a checklist of all reason. The letter must still contain the appeal process. Kathy <br /> did write a letter to Jim about six weeks after the rejection letter went out. The appeal <br /> process says any objection must b made in fifteen days. <br /> The group discussed ways to handle the volume of paperwork received with the <br /> applications. Lola and Maureen agreed to screen the next rounds of applications for the <br /> committee. <br /> Jim told the committee he is very involved in the Semor Center building project as well <br /> as other committees he serves on. He asked the committee to select another member as <br /> chairman for the upcoming round. He asked they give the chairmanship some thought so <br /> another member could be selected at a future nneeting. <br /> The meeting adjourned at . a.rn <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Helene DeFoe <br />