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i <br /> Mashpee Public Library $400 <br /> Project Concern $600 <br /> Zelterion Theater $250 <br /> Those approved totaled $2,1 0. Mashpee was awarded $2,000 this year but <br /> The feeling was that there is probably at least $100 leftover from the last round <br /> from projects not completed within the year. If there is more than $100 left, an <br /> award will go to the Cape Cod Ballet Society. <br /> Ruth Harcovit , John Porcino, Bob Thomas and Yankee Notions were not <br /> awarded grants because available funding to Mashpee had been cut from $3,300 <br /> t $21,000 this year. In addition, Ruth Harcovitz and Yankee Notions received <br /> awards last year and.the council wanted to give other artists a chance to receive an <br /> award. <br /> IV. New Business <br /> A_ Discussion followed on how to notify those applicants who were not <br /> selected. Sunny Merritt will wort up a later for Ann's review, which <br /> will cite budgetary restrictions, and past awards as reasons they were <br /> not chosen. The successful applicants were also chosen because the <br /> committee felt they appealed to the broadest local audience. <br /> B. Ann distributed a nailing and email list of council members. <br /> C. A report is due to the Board of Selectmen on the year's activities of the <br /> council. Axon had prepared a list ofthe members with the terms of <br /> appointment. Members can serve two terms of three years and then <br /> must step down. According to Ann's records, Jim and Helene were <br /> appointed in 1999, Joan, Sunny and Ann were appointed in 200 and <br /> Lola and Maureen were appointed in 2002. Ann was selected a <br /> chairperson in 2002. <br /> V. Next Meeting <br /> The next meetingis on December 'd <br /> at 10 arra at the Archives. The meeting adj ourned at <br /> 4o p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Helene IeFoe <br />