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Conservation Commission <br /> November 18, 1993 <br /> Page 10. <br /> Mr. Sherman read the revised text of paragraph : In the event where the Agent <br /> 5 feels that further discussion/consideration is needed before allowing any work <br /> to go forward, he will confer the Cranberry Bog Subcommittee. Decisions <br /> from these discussions will be reported to the full commission at the next regularly <br /> scheduled meeting. If a consensus does not come from these discussions, the matter <br /> in question will be referred back to the OorrIsion for a vote. <br /> =: Motion made and seconded to accept paragraph 3 as amended. <br /> 1 revised to read no later than March 1 in each calendar year. <br /> Vim: Motion made and seconded o accept the suggested protocol as now amnended. <br /> Mir. Sherman advised Brian Handy wants to build an access road at the northeast <br /> cO `ner., for which he should file as there is no exemption. Also, he still wants <br /> to do dredging of the Mashpee River in March when he is reworking the bogs. Steve <br /> Hurley wants it done in the steer. Brian will see if there is some erosion control <br /> that would allow it to be done other than August. <br /> Steve Ball advised Brian wants to replace the three flumes with a pipe flim and <br /> he wants to put one on the upper bag. Mr. Sherman did not see a problem with that; <br /> it is being controlled with a plank now. <br /> Mr. Ball stated he wants to do the fles within a week or two. Mr. Sherman stated <br /> that is within the reqs. Mr. Ball will meet with Mr. Dandy. <br /> VUTE: Motion made and seconded to authorize Steven Ball to represent the Commission <br /> in overseeing the replacement of the flunes. <br /> Deley: At a rental property on N, gret .Avenue, Mr. Delorey erected a -quonset- <br /> tepe hut. A violation notice was sent. <br /> obinm: The appeal period is up next week. A notice to be seat, either they will <br /> do the work r the Cor ssio will get an injunction. <br /> Tragi+ They have taken all the ground cover off and pian to put in grass seed t <br /> the marsh. they are over in the nitrogen calcs. Land Subject -to Coastal Storm <br /> Flowage calls for a naturally vegetated buffer strip; thirty-nine feet would be <br /> to the edge of the deck. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested the Cormnission order therm to put in a 20 foot wide naturally <br /> vegetated buffer strip and waive all mowing. Ther: i n agreed. <br /> NOTE: Motion made and seconded that a 20 foot buffer be planted on the Traini <br /> property, <br /> Mr., Sherman stated they should file for a driveway also. A Notice of latent to be <br /> required; if she balks at a Notice, an Enforcement Order will be issued. <br /> workUst: 'The Agent asked the Commission to prioritize projects. Mrs. Ferriday <br /> suggested moving up #26 and Mrs. Fudala asked that #27 be advanced also. <br /> . Homeyer stated there are dinghies and floats on the marshes. He suggested the <br /> Agent go around with the Harbormaster and hang tags on thea. The Cormi sion has <br /> not enforced the clod ID requirement. The Harbormaster can issue orders to have <br /> them removed within 72 yours or can remove thea and charge the owners. <br />