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Conservation Corr ssion <br /> * <br /> April 4, 1991 <br /> Page 12, <br /> stated there was over 400 c.y. lost in that tj*-me period. There will be a more <br /> definitive landscape plan when he files for the house. <br /> Mr. Coffey stated erosion was averaged at 30 d.y. per year since 1974, exascerbated <br /> y revetments on both sides. Putting up this revetment will stop erosion and the <br /> beach will end up with loss of sand. <br /> Mr. Sherman asked how it would be handled, if an agreement could be reached with <br /> Mr. -Cariglia on beach nourishment; it is a category under the filing schedule. <br /> It would have to be conditioned quite clearly. <br /> Mr. McGrath stated if the commission would issue an order of conditions and .if the <br /> commission believes beach nourishment is required, a condition could be placed that <br /> it be required. He does not believe any sand put in front of that lot will do any- <br /> thing in the future. It would be better to put it dere it i's needed. The other <br /> point is to survey the beach and if it shows a definite drop in profile, thea he <br /> should furnish whatever sand is necessary to make up the difference. <br /> Mr. tarot ke stated there i <br />