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Conservation Commission <br /> April 4, 1991 <br /> Page 13, <br /> The chairman polled the board. There is conflicting information presented. He <br /> would like to consult with CZM for recomendations, He stated he would not be <br /> comfortable rendering a decision as it is but can if necessary. It is his operon <br /> it cannot be scheduled for two weeks from now without burdening the board. <br /> Mr. York asked Atty. Carter if he was speaking as counsel for the applicant or as <br /> Selectman, or as liaison between the two? <br /> Mr. Canter stated he was here as private representative, assisting Mr. McGrath. <br /> It has nothing to do with the Board of Selectmen or liaison. <br /> Mr. York stated, although not the applicant's fault, the Commission does not have <br /> enough information to make an informed decision. <br /> Mr. Sherman asked if it would be possible to close upon receipt of information and <br /> not hold another hearing. No one from the public was present for the last hearing. <br /> . Desrosiers agreed. <br /> Ms Lamik did not want to hold up the applicant but issues were oomph and she <br /> agreed with Mr. Sheer . <br /> Mrs. Si <br />