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;[Agenda tapir 3 Fa11 Newsletterr. <br /> Discussion Barbara completed the newsletter with articles of Mike's bio and safe disposal of prescription <br /> drugs. In order to protect the single aquifer under the Cape, drugs should not be flushed down the toilet, <br /> but mixed with coffee grounds or the like and thrown in regular trash. <br /> After all members had approved the newsletter, it was emailed to the Town manager, via Christine <br /> Willander, for his approval on November 15"'. <br /> Conclusions: The newsletter has been finished and should be available soon in Town Hall and on the web <br /> site. <br /> [Ageud� toprc, A1ga1 Bloom <br /> Discussion: Don read an email correspondence from Ashley Fisher who works in the Dept. of Natural <br /> Resources with Rick York, No one in the Dept. felt the noted bloom was an algal bloom, but rather a <br /> weed that reached the surface. Mike Rapacz felt it was indeed a bloom. He will be in touch with the <br /> Department to discuss this. Data collected this summer shows Mashpee lake has improved since 2016 in <br /> both water clarity and dissolved oxygen, while Wakeby shows the opposite. Overall, Mashpee Wakeby <br /> falls in the mesotrophic range <br /> Conclusions: Mike will follow up with the Department of Natural Resources. <br /> [Agenda tapir 51 Haxbornaster Report <br /> Discussion: Don Macdonald read an email from Al Turner reporting that" increased patrols and tough <br /> enforcement action on both Johns and Mashpee ponds made it extremely hard on individuals causing <br /> problems and endangering others." Town Counsel recommended that the number of citations not be <br /> published,but several were written including one for power loading at the ramp. Mike reported he had <br /> witnessed a bass tourney ending and saw several boats power loading. Al said that the channel markers <br /> would remain in until the bass tourneys were over. Swim markers had been removed. Steve Mane, the <br /> previous harbormaster was recently added to the waterways commission. Steve said it was the <br /> responsibility of the State to maintain the ramp and they should have the equipment to pull the sand back <br /> into the ramp. Once the sand is replaced up to the ramp, a special mat can cover it which will make a <br /> boat's stern drop lower in the water and will damage the prop, if power loading occurs. It was <br /> recommended that if we see power loading occur, we notify the police dept. Barbara asked if one <br /> department could cover the ending of bass tourneys when they are leaving as this seems to be when most <br /> of the ramp damage from power loading is occurring. <br /> Conclusions: An email report was received from the Harbormaster. Power loading is still causing damage <br /> to the ramp. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:68 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />