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Conservation Commission <br /> November 1 , 1990 <br /> Page 1 <br /> there and sobeit if the sand has to be removed let's go around and have everybody <br /> remove their sand. The point is, the sand is there, he blundered when he put it <br /> there, he is willing to cooperate and do all he can. He does not feel it is an <br /> issue that should be dragged on. He asked to get the solution to the problem and <br /> not worry about the precedent, <br /> Ms La nik stated the commission is not looking to tar and feather but looking for <br /> Mable solution, given the circumstances. <br /> Mr. brining stated the sand is no different than that brought in to the beach each <br /> year from Otis and dumped and spread with a bulldozer. He has watched 50 people, <br /> since he bought the house, put sand on their beach. she poi- ting to Carol Jacobson) <br /> has sand in front of her house, everyone on the pond has sand in front. <br /> Ms Behxrian asked Mr. Vining, if he sees dumping of sand without a DBP number at the <br /> site, to contact the agentshe remembered only- two projects on the pond and they <br /> are not corp t projects. <br /> Mr. Vining invited the commission to go in a boat around the pond and explain how <br /> point A could look like Miami Beach and point B like a jungle. <br /> Ms Behrman stated that is another point to be addressed. It should be stated that <br /> the fill that was deposited is above the Mean Nigh water area. she asked how it <br /> was planned to keep it from eroding with naturae rainfall and ice scouring into <br /> the pond. <br /> Mr. brining stated the thin coat of sand put on the beaux has now become part of the <br /> beach and cannot be distinguished from what was there and he could not, and would <br /> not let an engineer, tell the commission that the sand he put there will nearer <br /> make it to the water. <br /> Mrs. Jacobson stated, since the sand on her beach has been made an ,issue by <br /> Mr. Vining, he should realize that side of the pond he lures on is rocky and the <br /> sand does not stay there because of the prevailing winds, suer and winter. The <br /> sand on her beach was put there by nature. she lives on the point which catches <br /> sand and probably, some of the sand he put in on his beach is now on her beach. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested Arrow Engineering look at the Notice of Intent to see if <br /> there are other areas to be checked off and to provide a plan with Mean dual <br /> Flood Level on the pond. He asked if Mr. brining would be receptive to him re <br /> searching the brochure costs? <br /> Ms Behrman felt there should be more structural information on the dock. <br /> Mr. Shemmn stated the regulations require it anyway, He asked if Mr. Raymond was <br /> going to write to DEP and was told he is attempting to speak with DBP-Waterways to <br /> discuss it with them. <br /> Ms Behn an stated, all that aside, she wants to see something on the application <br /> about the 2 foot concrete blocks and something on the plan that references thi <br />
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