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Conservation Commission <br /> November 1 , 1990 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mr. Raymond stated in the filing they were trying to identify what is existing today <br /> and separate proposed work from what is already done. <br /> Ms Behrman stated it is after the fact and it should cover the effects, it is not <br /> what is on the ground, it's covering the whole operation of what has been done <br /> becuase the co fission has to address mitigating features for the whole situation. <br /> It was noted the plan is not signed. <br /> CONTINUED To DECEMBER 13, 1990 -- :15 to 8:45, <br /> 9:30 ROBERT SPOMA, for a Determination of Applicability on a proposal to build <br /> steps and ramp from top of bank to near road level and page existing dirt walk from <br /> terrace to top of bank at 150 Ninigret Ave. They are landscaping items, well within <br /> boundary lines proposed to prevent erosion. He will be doing the work. There is <br /> a 1+ foot drop from the top of the bank to the roadway; there are 9 steps, 16 inches <br /> wide, <br /> FIs Behrm n asked the length and was told it is 25 feet. She asked that be noted on <br /> the plans. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked the techniques proposed for erosion conctrol during construction. <br /> Mr. Spousta. advised there are harbales clown there now not collecting anything. <br /> There will be no digging, There have been rough cuts into the bank for several <br /> years and he is going into the sane areas. The brigs will be laid in stone dust. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked the status of the walls he had proposed? <br /> , r. Spousta advised DEP approval will be sent when he provides his deed number. <br /> Chapter 91 feels he should go the amnesty route on both that section of the wall <br /> and the dock which has been here 51 years. <br /> �Ir.. Sherman did not see any .impact on the bank From the activity. It was clone <br /> after the fact but he did not feel it was intentional. <br /> It was noted Mr. Spousta did not have abutter receipt return cards. <br /> VOTE: Notion made and seconded to continue to November 29, 1990. If the green <br /> cards are received and no input from abutters, Mr. Spousta sloes not have <br /> to re turn, .. <br /> CONTINUED TD NOVEMBER 29, 1990 - 9:30. <br /> Notion made and seconded to accept the rinutes of October 4, 11 and 1 , <br /> s written, Ltmnimous Vote. <br />