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Conservation Corr scion <br /> December 2 7 1990 <br /> Page 10. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked if there were other wells in s=lar locations? <br /> Mr. Harvey stated the driller has not clone any at the edge of the pond in that location. <br /> The closest well would be on Lot 70 which will be 300- 400 ft. away from the pond. <br /> Mr. Coffey_asked if sediment sits there or gets vegetated? The RDA, if done as proposed, <br /> with the exception of root trauma, losing one of those Beech trees would be a sad day <br /> if you have to replace. �A hand trench would do just as much damage by what and where <br /> it is. <br /> Mr. Harvey stated the ,will make it serpentine in lien of a road clown there. <br /> Mr. Coffey stated he would like to see the site but has no problem with the well. The <br /> house is substantially back but he -would like to know more about it on the ground. He <br /> asked if there were any pressing schedules? <br /> Mr. Harvey advised a closing is scheduled for the 10th of January. The bank wants a <br /> building pent to close on the construction loan. The applicant is dealing with an <br /> unreasonable seller and worried about closing. Given the town setbacks, they are in <br /> tough position. it is difficult to get a house much closer without additional var- <br /> iances. <br /> Mr. Desrosiers was not concerned with' he well but with staking of the trench line <br /> clear of the trees to be vis ly seem. The deck will be against existing trees. <br /> Mr. Harvey advised trees ars 8 ft. away from the foundation, a 12 inch oak and two <br /> pines which would overhang the dwelling. <br /> Mr. Desrosiers advised there are two 5 inch beech trees also. They are showing <br /> deck right up to the trees at the front of the house. <br /> Mr. Harvey advised, for digging a foundation 8 feet away, there is a minimum area <br /> that would have to be cleared around the house for construction. <br /> Mr. Desrosiers requested details for the exact location and construction of the deck. <br /> He felt this is a concern. <br /> Mr, York curl not want to do anything without viewing the site first. <br /> Mr. Coffey advised it was staked for the perusal of the co�ssion and he did not <br /> personally have a chance to see it but would not want to cause a hardship. The well <br /> is no problem. That side of the pond is a steep and fragile environment. He was <br /> concerned with damage to the canopy protection of a 12 inch oak; even tree in that <br /> vicirdtr counts. He would also like to know that the dwelling does not do damage <br /> clown stream. He would feel more comfortable having seen it on the ground to know <br /> what the impacts are going to be, At 106 feet from the pond, some of the burden of <br /> proof has been overcome, but from the top of the bank at 70 feet, it is an i s sue. <br /> santuit Pond is special and stressed as it is. He called for comments From the <br /> commission, <br /> S <br /> Mr. Harvey stated the location of the house is controlled by zoning offsets. It <br /> is a 26 x 36 cape. The actual corner of the foundation is 79-80 feet back from the <br /> top of the bank at the 60 foot contour; 68 to 56 is a gentle slope at that closest <br /> point, At elevation 56 it is going closer to the top of the bank. It is 98 feet <br /> from the foundation excavation to the top of the bank. From the detailing on the <br /> deck would be soma tubes which could be hand excavated. It will be a 4 foot frost <br /> wall, 70-80 feet from the top of the hank. <br />