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cn s erva t i on Commission <br /> December 27, 1990 <br /> Page 9. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked the height of the walls and was told 6 feet at the highest point, i <br /> Mr. Buckley advised the lot next door has a new house, not fully landscaped and <br /> all vegetation removed. Some of the fill along the retaining walls was removed <br /> to expose more of the wall which is not pressure treated timbers. <br /> . Zeppenfeld stated there was 4 feet originally; the job next door has removed <br /> some material from this- man's wall.. <br /> It was noted this is not zero lot line, under the special permit. The owner i <br /> willing to go forward. <br /> The chairman read a letter into the record from the abutting property owners, <br /> Ron & Shirley Bernaducci, who are in opposition to the project. <br /> !r. Zeppenfeld stated they can improve the problem that exists and improve the <br /> retaining walls in the process <br /> ■ <br /> Mr. Coffey questioned the amount of lot coma . Mr. Buckley advised it is under <br /> the requirement. The lot next door, Mr. Bernaducci' , has exceeded their coverage. <br /> Mr. Coffey stated the commission cannot close. This must go before zoning board of <br /> appeals. He asked if they have filed' They had not. <br /> Mr. Zeppenfeld listed the items the commission would like to see: mitigation of <br /> runoff; stabilization and engineering for retaining walls, if impacted by garage. <br /> Mr. Desrosiers requested construction details for any runoff. <br /> A continuance for two months was requested. <br /> O1ID TO BCH 71 1991 — 7:30 .1 . <br /> 9:00 GARY VITAIE, for a eterrl.ination of Applicability on the proposed installation <br /> f a 'private drinking well at 67 Edgewater load, Notice of Intent filed under the <br /> Mashpee Town Bylaw only for the construction of a single family dwelling, reta�ng <br /> wall; crushed stone driveway; 8 x 50 ft. wood deck and water service line. Joseph <br /> Harvey presented abutter receipts. Under the state, the dwelling is more than 100 <br /> feet from the pond, but less under the town bylaw to the inland bark. <br /> On the RDA for the proposed well, they are within 100 feet of Santinit Pond; the well <br /> drillers have opted for a'hnd auger. They have no desire to cut a path clown to that <br /> location. There is a straight shot to the house that would allow a bobcat without <br /> removing a tree for the service line. A Haybale dike to be placed to prevent erosion. <br /> Mr. Coffey asked if it would be a two man gas auger, hand operated and was told it was. <br /> with extensions they will be able to draw Rater. They have approval from the Board <br /> of Health subject to Commission approval, It will not be necessary to cut down any <br /> trees. 'there are a half-dozen Beech trees on site. They are deflecting the pipe to <br /> avoid a large oak. <br /> W. Coffey read from the cornents from the agent: He was unsure where the retaining <br /> wall was located on the plan; there should be no lawn pond side and should be comp- <br /> ensatory plantings, shrubs and/or trees. Access to the water on the steep bank will <br /> cause erosion. <br /> Mr. Harvey advised the client has mentioned a possible dock and was told that would <br /> be taken up in the future. The retaining wall that falls within the buffer zone is <br /> on the right side which is the solid line; grade 69.0 dorm to 64 and comes under the <br /> Notice of intent. <br />