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i <br /> r.],onervat'on commission <br /> 'minutes of May23, 1984 a <br /> Meletiag With Attorney James Filson re: I��aus op violation <br /> hands of the lawyers and the courts possib .y& He said that they would <br /> prefer to avoid that as it is costly and it intends to inflame emotions <br /> more. said that . there is a way to bridge the co.1munication gap <br /> or straighten things out before they get out of hand, they would .Like to <br /> do that, <br /> Chairperson Studley said that one of the reasons which they gave for is- <br /> suing the Cease & Desist order is. that­.there was debris dumped on the <br /> beach. She said that the Commission has letters from t%�To of the resi- <br /> dents of the area who observed the dumping of the debris on the beach. <br /> C.hairpersor Studley said that she was informed on one Sunday evening about <br /> 9 :00 p.m. that there was a huge pile of sand and debris waiting to ao over <br /> the edge of the bank. She said that she called mso. Collins and spoke t <br /> her about it and the next morning before the crack of dawn and by arti f i- <br /> cial light, the men and equipment were over there moving the stuff onto <br /> the beach o that when she arrived for an on-site nspecti at 10:00 ,m. <br /> . was conveniently tly cone. She said it ways observed by residents of the <br /> area, <br /> Chairperson Studley said that a letter was received from Mrs. Betsy Henning,, <br /> The letter was read into the minutes. Attorney Wilson asked for a copy o <br /> the letter. <br /> Chairperson Studley read a portion of another letter received from Mr. John <br /> Henning. into the minutes. She said that they also may have a copy of that <br /> letter, <br /> Jean Thomas, who' arrived at the meeting after the earlier discussion, asked <br /> the Chairperson if she had discussed the meeting with Town Counsel with the <br /> Commission. Chairperson Studley said that a motion was made to permit the <br /> Chairman to 6ign cease and desist orders in cases of emergency. She said <br /> that she also asked the Commission as to whether or not they would be in <br /> favor of ketaining : t6wn counsel to settle this ratter and get the area back <br /> into the original condition --- clamshell road out and reseeded and properly <br /> graded. In other words, the violations taken care of. Jean Thomas asked <br /> if she explained to the Commission that town counsel reviewed the total <br /> file of the project. Chairperson replied "no, because it was time for the <br /> hearings to begin at the time we were discussing it". <br /> At this point in the meeting, pictures were reviewed showing ebr i s, the <br /> clamshell l road and pictures taken by Mr. Brooks on Thursday, May loth, <br /> showing heavy equipment operating on Maushop Village bluff for several <br /> hours after the Cease & Desist Order was issued) . <br /> Jean Thomas told the Commission that Chairperson Studley spent almost two <br /> hours with Town Counsel reviewing the project. She said that it was upon <br /> his advice that she was bringing the suggestion that we seek his counsel. <br />