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J <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 100 of the General Bylaws of the Town of <br /> Mashpee by amending the following article: <br /> CHAPTER 100 %"#M HANDICAPPED PARKING <br /> 100-3 violations and Penalties. The penalty for a violation of this chapter shall <br /> he one hundred dollars ($100)for the first offense and one hundred fifty <br /> dollars($150) for the second and any sub se€luent offense. <br /> Or take any other action related thereto. <br /> SUBMITTED BY: American with Disabilities Act Committee <br /> Explanation: This Acle increases the fine for violations of handicapped parking <br /> policies and regulations from the current twenty five dollars 5 and brings Mashpee in <br /> line with policies of Barnstable and other towns on the Cape. <br />