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8 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> October 12, 2017 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> _Discussion and possible vote regarding Article 12 of the Town Meeting Warrant <br /> relative to the implementation of a temporary moratorium on marijuana establishments and <br /> retailers: <br /> The final Town Meeting warrant was presented to the Finance Committee. Under review was <br /> Article 412. The article considers a bylaw change which requires a majority vote of Town <br /> Meeting to impose a moratorium until December 31, 2018 for the use of land or structures for <br /> recreational marijuana establishments and marijuana retailers. During this time, the town shall <br /> undertake a comprehensive planning process. <br /> It was noted that initially,there were (4) articles proposed on this issue and (6) drafts of the <br /> warrant. In considering draft#5 of the warrant, the Finance Committee at their August 24, 2017 <br /> meeting voted unanimously 0-5 to oppose the adoption of a general bylaw relative to <br /> implementing a temporary moratorium for a period of two years through June 30, 2018. With <br /> the changes to the warrant on this particular issue, the Finance Committee requested additional <br /> clarification on the warrant articles pertaining to this matter. <br /> The previous article contained in draft#6 of the warrant considered a zoning by-law <br /> implementing the temporary moratorium until December 31, 2018 and requiring a 2/3`d's vote at <br /> Town Meeting, as well as a general by-law article to limit the number of retail marijuana <br /> establishments. The subsequent article was removed from the warrant by the Board of <br /> Selectmen and the initial article relative to implementing a temporary moratorium was <br /> withdrawn and revised and then presented as a single article to adopt a general by-law which <br /> requires a majority vote. <br /> It is believed the Selectmen's decision to draft a new general by-law with a one-year moratorium <br /> has made it easier for the moratorium to pass, and it is a way of kicking the can down the road, <br /> and not face the issue. It was noted that a vote in favor of a moratorium would force the vote. <br /> When asked as to why the Selectmen made this decision, Rodney C. Collins indicated he did not <br /> want to speak for the Board, but it is likely they applied the brakes at they were concerned <br /> regarding the uncertainties of the law at the state level. <br /> The Finance Committee has not taken formal action on the revision. <br />