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MASHPEE COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OCTOBER 25, 1995 <br /> The Mashpee Coastal Resource Management Committee met at Mashpee <br /> Town Hall at 3: 30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, 1995 . <br /> Board Members present were: Perry Ellis, Jim Hanks, Bob Nelson, <br /> Steve Ball , Bud Shaw, Bob Sherman, Rick York, Tom Fudala, Bob <br /> Whritenour. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 3: 40 p.m. , and the Minutes <br /> from September 27, 1995 were approved. (Tom Fudala and Steve <br /> Ball abstained. ) <br /> Rick York distributed a map designating a proposed family <br /> shellfishing area in Hamblin Pond. This would have easy access <br /> for children and the elderly. A net would be used until the <br /> clams become little necks. The area is away from the channel <br /> so there is no conflict with boats. The yuohog seed money comes <br /> from fees. A buoy would designate it as a family shellfishing <br /> area. Waterways Commission, Monomoscoy Improvement Trust, and <br /> Shellfish Commisssion have given their approval, and Mr. York <br /> moved that CRM vote their opinion. Mr. Ellis made the motion <br /> that CRM vote in favor of the proposed family shelifishing area <br /> in Hamblin Pond, seconded by Steve Ball. Unanimous. <br /> Harbormaster Perry Ellis gave an update on the boat sewage pump- <br /> out facilities stating that the outboard motor power head was <br /> replaced and is now running fine. Next summer the old pump-out <br /> will be placed at New Seabury if we can make suitable contract <br /> arrangements. Mr. Hanks noted the State will contact us to <br /> do contracts to get reimbursement for maintenance. It is a <br /> three-year program, $26, 000 for the first year. We claimed <br /> $24,000 for the boat and caddy and their operation, but no money <br /> has been received yet for operation. There will be no cost <br /> to Mashpee. <br /> Town beach dune restoration status began with Mr. Sherman stating <br /> that by keeping the expense under $1, 000 with the help of <br /> volunteers, no formal bids will be needed. Mr. Sherman can <br /> help with the filing, and he knows a planner who can provide <br /> the planning narrative. Mr. Sherman and Mr. Ellis will get <br /> prices on materials tomorrow. Mr. York volunteered JTEC to <br /> help out. Mr. Ellis stated they plan to scoop the sand from <br /> the parking lot and plant beach grass using a weave mat, and <br /> then plant rosa rugosa in the spring. A path will be put in <br /> to get to the beach. Mr. Hanks suggested applying for money <br /> with the Selectmen, and Mr. Ellis stated he has funds for <br /> protection of an access point. <br /> South Cape Beach issues update began with Will ' s Work Road Gate <br /> Management. It has been open all summer, and nothing has been <br />