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TOWN OF 1 ASHPEE <br /> COASTAL ESOUR E MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES OFk FEBRUARY t 1995 <br /> The Mashpee Coastal Resource Management Committee met at Mashpee <br /> Town Hall at 7 : 00 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, 1995 . <br /> Board Members present: Perry Ellis, Jim Hanks, Tom F°uda la, <br /> Greg Taylo1 , i.c York, Bo Sherman, and Dan Homeye r w <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 10 .m. The Minutes were <br /> tabled since there was not a quorum, nine members are needed <br /> for a quorum. Minutes will he distributed to each member in <br /> advance of the meeting. <br /> Mr. Hanks , Vice Chairman, reviewed the CRMO Powers and Duties <br /> (Article XIV Par 5-57) . CRMO is a coordinating committee of <br /> the town agencies serving as a forum for the discussion of issues <br /> and policies and resolving conflicts, and whose lead <br /> responsibility is revising, updating, and. implementing CRMP/HMP. <br /> Actions will he coordinated with Barnstable, Falmouth, sandwich <br /> and with state and other agencies. CRMC will ensure that <br /> emergency response plans are in place and known to appropriate <br /> -parties , and it will develop a public information program for <br /> adopted and proposed dans and policies ,, A Town Report will <br /> e completed on an annual basis (due Januar 1996 ) . Mr. Eddala <br /> stated that the RMP/HMP are still in effect (not LP) , and <br /> CRMO is the croup to influence committees to accept a Local <br /> Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Eudala and Mr. Sherman were in favor <br /> of including Sandwich since they affect Mash ee' s watersheds . <br /> Mr. Ellis recommended sending a letter to the other surrounding <br /> towns informing them we have a Committee in motion and invite <br /> thea to our meeting to discuss wacuoit and Pop onesset. Some <br /> issues for future discussion were floating aquaculture and South <br /> Cape Beach developments <br /> The Public Comment Period was passed since no public was in <br /> attendance+ <br /> The Town Beach 2-foot Dune Restoration _ The parking lot is <br /> eroding away, and it was recommended to vegetate the dyne in <br /> front of it. It was recommended planting early and heavily <br /> and surround with a snow fence to collect the sand* Mr. Taylor <br /> recommended doing this in the fall . Mr, Sherman agreed that <br /> fall was the hest time, and fiber jute would also he needed <br /> to hold the sand down. Mr. Sherman recommended getting the <br /> permits now and planting beach grass in the fall ; he has <br /> literature on this procedure. Mr. Hanks asked about forming <br /> a sub-committee, and Mr. Eudala nominated Mr. Taylor, Mr. Sherman <br />