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be a way to process the nutrient laden algae and then find a <br /> market for it ( i.e. China) . Great River Beat Ramp was suggested <br /> as a site where algae could he spread out in thin layers and <br /> dried without killing any plant life* It was also suggested <br /> to block off a square of the Pend somewhere out of the way and <br /> try cultivating it. Mr. Hanks cited a study that was dere by <br /> Dr. Linda Deegan who works for Echo Systems Center Marine Biology <br /> citing a situation where the eel grass get worse and the fish <br /> were diminished, <br /> Mr. Taylor noted that the receipt of the $16 , 000 grant for storm <br /> runoff mitigation at Mashpee River Sources is still ending <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 49. 30 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted , <br /> Mar elsther ,, Beard. secretary <br /> -2- <br />