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r1 <br /> MASHPEE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1 , 1984 <br /> The following members of the Public Works Building Committee were present for the <br /> meeting held at the Mashpee Town Hall : Samuel 'Of Re, chairman, John Wyllie, Ernie <br /> Virgilio.' Chester Brown, Anthony Fi orentini and Joe OiMagg io. <br /> Ellis Laycock was present also. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:00 <br /> John Wyllie and Ellis Laycock presented the comi ttee with pictures of the job- <br /> s i to at various stages of progress. Mr. Wyllie pointed-out one photo of a wall <br /> where a ladder type reinforcement was used between the blocks, instead of the <br /> more expensive zigzag, Ellis stated mostly zigzag was used and only four or five <br /> areas of the ladder type, a negl igabl a amount <br /> It was noted the Clerk of the Works said the ladder type material was adequate <br /> The minutes of October 15, 1984 were reviewed: <br /> Mr. Re stated the letters attached to those minutes were being held except for <br /> the memo to the committee. <br /> Chester Brown reported he had spoken with Jack Cartier concerning the gas company. <br /> Mr. Cartier stated he knew Mr. Twi to and would contact him regarding payment. <br /> Ellis stated he had been informed by the contractor that the gas company had been <br /> paid. <br /> Mr. Re referred to the minutes of October 15, stating he has- the letter the sel- <br /> ectmen had wanted to send to the contractor. However, since the contractor has <br /> submitted change orders and there is a new project superintendent who the clerk <br /> of the Works and the committee are impressed by, maybe the letter should be held. <br /> Ellis stated the site i s workable as far as the contractor is concerned, whose <br /> main concern is to try to get the building up rather than the site work, The <br /> site would only be messed up with the work to be dune. As soon as the roof Is <br /> on and the building closed up, thea the site work will be completed <br /> Mr. Re stated the bulldozer was gone at 5:00 this morning and Mr. Cartier was <br /> unhappy with the site -contractor as he would like the front of the bu i l d i,ng <br /> cleaned up for the gas trap <br /> In reply to Mr. Re's question of concrete testing, Ellis replied when thirty days <br /> are up the curve is flattened off. If the sample core proves it is 2900-3000, <br /> it will be too low, but will support the building. He estimated a saving of <br /> 500-750.00. The jobsite was requested to notify the architect when they were <br /> going to core, so a structural engineer could be. present to view the aggregate, <br /> ghat position it is in, whether mixed properly, air holes,, etc. The structural <br /> engineer will advise where and how to take the sample core. <br /> VOTE: Moored and seconded to accept the minutes of October 15, 1984 as written <br /> Unanimous bate. <br />