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Pu bl i c Wo rks Bu i 1 d i ng commit tee <br /> Meeting of April 10, 1985 <br /> Page 2. <br /> The committee was advised v & V Construction has presented their bill to <br /> the Bonding company for the rental of the crane. <br /> Concerning a plumbing bill for corrections to the gas trap, Ellis advised <br /> Triple A will pay the bill and back charge Masasch i . <br /> Regarding the site work, Ell is stated he will contact bonito and Mr. Buckley <br /> to have their agreement honored., Jack Cartier may also have to be brought in. <br /> Ernest lei rg i l io stated, since work -, has been dome by the town, he does net <br /> want the two piles of dirt remaining to be removed. These wi l 1 be used to <br /> fill the present area on central Road where the salt is stored i n order to <br /> bring it to grade for looming and seeding. If requested to clean up and <br /> slope the area he will need money to do it. <br /> Ellis advised he has a survey of the yard with contours in back super- <br /> imposed on the grades on the original drawing to show where high and low. <br /> There is very little grade in the back which was supposed to slope from <br /> South to North, but slopes from West to East. Where piled is actually a <br /> low spot in that corner. If graded to the bottom of the fence, the grade <br /> wo u 1 d be from south to north. Ellis agreed to provide the drawings f o r <br /> Mr. Virgilio to loop over. <br /> Mr. Virgilio advised he intends to build 8 to 12 three-sided bias against <br /> the fence area on both sides of the salt shed with cement blocking to pro- <br /> tect the fence. These will contain gravel , stone, etc. As requested, he <br /> agreed to remove the asphalt near the building. <br /> It was agreed to hold future meetings at the Public Works building on <br /> Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. <br /> There was discussion of the lack of furniture in the conference room, it <br /> was agreed the 400 previously allocated for site work at the salt shed <br /> would be rescinded and could be used towards a furniture purchase. A <br /> purchase order would be obtained from Joseph Murphy. <br /> VOTE: Moved and seconded to rescind the $400.00 authorized for trucking <br /> the dirt from the salt shed area. Unanimous vote. <br /> VOTE: Moved and seconded to approve the allocation of $500.00 for the <br /> purchase of furniture for the conference room and any other misc- <br /> ellaneous <br /> isc- <br /> el1aneous furniture. Unanimous vote. <br /> The secretary was instructed to send a memo to Joseph Murphy advising him <br /> of the committee vote and requesting a blank purchase order to enable comm- <br /> ittee members to purchase items at Building 19 <br />