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01/06/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
01/06/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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r <br /> Joel explained that Stone developed a matrix for submission of 0&M manuals,testing, <br /> warranties,etc. but it has not been used. Those items must be submitted. <br /> Attorney Costello explained there are a few alternatives, either Stone will complete the work in <br /> a manner acceptable to the town or the town will exercise its right to have the work done <br /> otherwise, or there can be a negotiated closeout of the work. He feels the town has been very <br /> patient in this job. The citizens want to know when it will be done and these people at the table <br /> have to answer to them. <br /> Selectmen Costa said the town just wants thejob done. He would have to be absolutely assured <br /> that a negotiated closeout would be sufficient to do the work. <br /> Y Attorney Lizza said on the list there are items that need to be done and other that are <br /> } economically wasteful to do(i.e. take down masonry walls just so they look neater), "doctrine of <br /> economic waste". <br /> Attorney Costello said the town will rely on the advice of their professionals. They will <br /> _ develop a monetization of the items on the list. SMMA will relay that document to Pat Costello <br /> who can then pass it on to Stone. <br /> Stone representatives left he meeting at 11:05. <br /> Paul Griffin said this is the same meeting we have been having for months. Stone brought <br /> nothing to the table. <br /> They are right about settling the issue on the economic value of the masonry except t that <br /> p <br /> they were told to stop that work because it was unacceptable and they continued to work. That is <br /> a big difference. <br /> Selectmen Caffyn said we need to see a total figure of what remains to be done. <br /> Ed Frenette said it will depend on what the soft costs are to complete thej ob, if they have to put <br /> a dollar figure on the 0&M manuals, attorney fees, school department costs. <br /> ** Selectmen Caffyn made a motion to close the regular meeting at 11:10 a.m. <br /> Selectmen Dinizio seconded the motion. All members were in favor 4-0** <br /> Ff ** Selectmen Caffyn made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of <br /> k discussing potential claims and litigation relative to the high school project. The <br /> ,7 Selectmen will not reconvene in public session. Selectmen Dinizio seconded the <br /> vr: motion, Selectmen Costa was in favor,Selectmen Marsters was in favor, <br /> } Selectmen Caffyn was in favor Selectmen Immo was um favor, <br /> i <br /> Ali'1� <br /> "ti <br />
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