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01/06/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
01/06/1996 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Kosta is,still working on the project and Mike is here full time. <br /> Mike explained that he has been here every day. He comes in at 12.00 each day. <br /> Bob whritenour said if payment is such a huge issue with Stone maybe a little effort should be <br /> given to coordinate the billing so it could come before the Board of Selectmen and be paid. It <br /> seems the billing is being approached in the same way as the punchlistit's not being done. <br /> L f' Mr. Tetreault said punchlist items are being worked on. <br /> Ed Frenette asked Stone is they have a plan to complete the punchlist work and corrective action <br /> work? Is there a schedule and what is the end date? <br /> David Patrick said they are mobilizing their own forces. They can respond to that but not now. <br /> S <br /> Selectmen Marsters asked why they don't pay the subs to do the work instead of their own <br /> employees? <br /> Selectmen Costa asked why these subs won't come back? <br /> Attorney Costello said there is not substantial completion for any part of this building. <br /> Warranties,by contract,do not commence until substantial completion. There is a large amount <br /> of incomplete or unsatisfactory work. <br /> AttorneyLizza said no lawyers opinion is right. In court,you have to listen to a 'ud a and the <br /> wY pY J g Y <br /> don't know much about construction. It is in everyone's best interest to come to a resolution of <br /> all of these problems. He thinks the next step should be a more executive type meeting and put <br /> all the issues on the table. <br /> Selectmen Costa asked if they want to negotiate the balance and just walk out? <br /> Attorney Lizza said he see a high school that the students have been ensconced in for a long <br /> time. A judge would think there has been substantial completion for a long time. <br /> Selectmen Costa asked if they are trying to settle on the $1.8 million because they are not coming <br /> y back? <br /> Attorney Lizza said no. There are a number of big issues that will be disputed between the <br /> parties-the bathroom masonry for example and the liquidated damages. There is some work <br /> F they are happy to come back and do. <br /> .5 Selectmen Dinizio said we have not yet talked about how Stone' lack of management of this <br /> c project is effecting the kids. Not completing the fields is inexcusable. There is nothing'the town <br /> did to prevent those fields from being completed in September. It was a total lack of <br /> management of this project. Stone has not demonstrated an ability to do the Job and if it has to <br /> be in court that we decide who completes it that so be it. <br /> Attorney Costello said if Stone and the Board of Selectmen decide to entertain negotiations for <br /> Y g <br /> ` <br /> project closeout with a credit back to the town for work to be done he will insist Mr. Rudnick <br /> r <br /> p J <br /> i here. <br /> � <br /> (Liberty Mutual)be e <br /> Paul Griffin would like to see Stone's schedule to complete the work first. <br /> Attorney Costello bought up another issue-lack of operation and maintenance manuals and <br /> documents. They have not been forthcoming and that is a concern with an operating building. <br /> They have not yet put a dollar figure on that. <br />
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