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t <br /> Attorney Lizza said he wants to understand the town's position. His approach is to it get all on <br /> the table and do what makes sense for everyone. Forget about the contract do what is in <br /> everyone's best business interest now. He knows what the town feels they are entitled to. Lets try <br /> to resolve this. <br /> AttorneyCostello said that was a reasonable approach back in the trailer days when the goal was <br /> p <br /> to get the students into the school. Now we are 6 months beyond the substantial completion <br /> date. Toch it is a different situation,there are now issues of grave concern to occupants of this <br /> � Y <br /> building. we need a definitive game plan. A lot of people, on both sides of the table, invested a <br /> lot into this project. In his opinion,more money coming from the town is not the answer. <br /> Attorney Lizza wants the town to let Stone know what they intend to do with respect to these <br /> claims and what the dollar amounts are. There is a huge disagreement on some of these issues. <br /> They dispute the damages claim,for example. <br /> d <br /> r Pat Costello asked if he has read the addenda to their contract? <br /> z_ <br /> Attorney Lizza said he disagrees with Attorney Costello on that issue. <br /> Attorney Costello said the unsatisfactory, unacceptable work dwarfs that issue. <br /> _5 Selectmen Marsters asked Stone, if the town does not come up with a check within 7 days,the <br /> work won't get done? <br /> l <br /> r: David Patrick said presently,they are mobilizing their own work force. <br /> He was asked why they did not mobilize them before Christmas. Mr Patrick responded that the <br /> manpower was not available. <br /> Selectmen Costa said he hasn't seen anything from Stone stating they don't agree with the <br /> information(regarding uncomplete,unsatisfactory work)they've received. <br /> Mark Tetreault said they have sent correspondence in response. They could, in the future,copy <br /> ,t <br /> the Selectmen on that correspondence. <br /> r Bob whritenour said if there will be no additional work without an additionalp ayment we may <br /> have reached the end because we are rapidly approaching the point where the claims equal what <br /> is outstanding(to Stone). The Board of Selectmen are incapable of providing additional funds <br /> until the contractor can demonstrate the work can be certified as completed by the architects. If <br /> `yY that is the case,the Board of Selectmen will release the funds. If the work cannot be certified as <br /> - complete absolutely no money can be released by the town. <br /> . : 5 Mark Tetreault said a lot of subs did work above the contract, $400,000 worth, which is still <br /> g Y <br /> being reviewed b the Architect. <br /> `vr Bob whritenour asked if they submitted a bill for that work and the work is completed? <br /> 'sri a <br /> Paul Griffin said the just submitted those char a estimates 2 weeks a o. The da Yg g Y <br /> before Alan <br /> 4` Scott left he submitted the information to the architect. How can we a you if you do not <br /> pay Y <br /> {_ submit the information to the architect so it can be put on the requisition! we can t pay you if <br /> you dont submit the bills. <br /> Selectmen Cost asked who is running Stone now, who can we get in touch with? <br /> j David Patrick has moved to Dimeo but he said he is still the President of Stone. <br />