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on liquidated damages. They need to know what is needed to get substantial completion. Stone <br /> needs to now where it is headed before they can deal with the subs. For example, cracking in the <br /> bathroom is not interfering with occupancy, it is a warranty item. <br /> Ft. <br /> Attorney Costello said uncomplete and unsatisfactory work issues have been addressed with <br /> numerous correspondence. <br /> Jim Byrne added that the list of work David Patrick was referring to was just what was to be <br /> done during PF g school vacation. <br /> Attorney Costello said at this point the town would like to focus on where Stone is going with <br /> this job. Claims and damages will likely be disputed. Extensive additional costs have been <br /> incurred and Stone was notified of that at the start of incurring those costs. we will give Stone <br /> a monetary breakdown. <br /> lM <br /> Selectmen Costa explained that he spoke with David Patrick recently and was told that during <br /> r- y g <br /> school vacation there would be some progress. That was another promise broken. He asked <br /> Stone to convince him that the town shouldn't do something different. The Selectmen have gone <br /> out of their way to work with Stone, often against the wishes of the Building Committee. During <br /> vacation,with no students in the building,there should have been a good faith effort to get work <br /> done. <br /> David Patrick said there was no work due to a lack of payment. <br /> Selectmen Costa explained the Selectmen voted to make a large payment to Stone very recently. <br /> This is not because of a lock of payment. The town gets nothing but promises and nothing gets <br /> done. <br /> k Selectmen Marsters asked Stone if the town needs to make a payment to them before we et an <br /> p � g y <br /> 's- work done. <br /> David Patrick said they need some agreement to work with the subs,to get them to do the work <br /> Selectmen Marsters said one way is to give the subs a checkfi <br /> Paul Griffin explained that on November 15th they held a meeting with Stone. He told them the <br /> $800 400 payment requisition would eta roved b the Selectmen so the building would be <br /> p q g pp y g <br /> YF: <br /> open beforeThanksgiving. It didn't ha en. This has been going on for 14 months with the <br /> :=Mz_ 1� pP g g <br /> r y same excuses. <br /> 3 <br /> Y. Pat Costello asked if the contractor has been notified of the work to be done? <br /> Ed Frenette said thisproject is better documented than most. The documents have been issued <br /> to the contractor. The architects brought in independent experts to determine how best to fix <br /> µ•GG"YY things, for example the fields. <br /> Attorney Lizza asked if it is the architect's opinion that there will not be substantial completion <br /> issued until the fields are corrected? <br /> Paul said we have been over this issue of substantial completion with attorney Lizza at several <br /> Y meeting. Read the documents Its not being done. <br />