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MASH PEE WATERWAYS 'o MMI I N <br /> MINUTES, 5 MAY1999 <br /> Chairman Jim Hanks called the meeting to order at 7-.06 p.m. in Conference]doom#3, <br /> 11ashp ee Town Hall. <br /> Present: Jim Hanks, Herb Silver, Bill Taylor, Jerry Daly, Paul Lumsden, Fred Fordham <br /> and Donald Lund. <br /> Others: Ed Baker, Jack Gillis and Perry Ellis <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Mr. Jack Gillis' comment: <br /> Mr. Jack Gillis lives in the Town of Barnstable owns property on John's Pond, <br /> owns a powerboat and jet skis, and is concerned about the proposed ban on personal <br /> watercraft in the Town of Ma.shpee. He related his experience as chairman of a committee <br /> in Barnstable on jet skis, and rude many suggestions for how we could deal with the <br /> problem in Mashpee without a ban. <br /> He recommended primarily education and enforcement, and volunteered to help, <br /> A more complete accounting of his discussion is included in Attachment I to these <br /> minutes, and is a part of these minutes, <br /> Adding to what Mr. Gillis said about needing more enforcement and volunteering <br /> his services, Mr, Silver stated that the bottom line is that we are understaffed. If we <br /> increase the Harbormaster crew, we solve the problem. He said we had to increase the <br /> Harbormaster police force. This is an alternative to banning the jet skis. Mr. Silver went <br /> on to say that he thought the Commission agreed that we do need a larger force. <br /> Mr. Daly stated that somewhere along the line} the size of the lake has to be a <br /> factor. Mr. Hanks said that the cut-off for the State is a 75-acre pond. If it is more than <br /> 75 acres, you can have jet skis. Mr. Gillis stated that on smaller ponds you can regulate <br /> the speed, for example 3 5-MPH. <br /> Mr. Hanks asked Mr. Ellis if he could recap a.little of the background of the <br /> problems 1n the ponds that led to the article being drafted, Mr. Ellis stated that some of <br /> the people around Johns} Pond own multiple jet skis. They let their children come down, <br /> itb no training, and take them out where people are swimming, sail boating, canoeing <br /> and fishing and it is a mess. He went on to say that we have in the neighborhood of 125 <br /> jet skis. Half of his stops are jet skis. <br /> 1 <br />