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October 19, 2000 <br /> Page 7. <br /> Mr. Hamilton stated there is a revetment in a state of disrepair. It does not have filter <br /> cloth or sufficient bedding store and height to afford protection during the 100 year <br /> storm. They wish to replace the revetment with-a similar revetment to that existing on a <br /> neighboring property. It will go to the top of the bark to provide protection in the evert <br /> of a severe storm because the FEMA -zone is above the elevation of the top of the <br /> bank. During a storm, the.Spit will be over-topped with waves carrying in from the Sound <br /> -acrd it will be exposed to severe damage. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated one of the reasons to confer further is that yes you will afford yourself <br /> more protection by going higher but are then going into an area of natural vegetation <br /> which has wildlife habitat value and would require compensatory plantings. <br /> Mr. Hamilton stated there is a house next door with a significant change in grade. The <br /> existing revetment has the same return. They are pulling the proposed revetment back. <br /> The Chair stated he could see how it fits with this neighbor but is curious about the other <br /> neighbor. Mr. Sherman stated it does not fit as easily. Mr. Hamilton stated this property <br /> has a low-lying area that cones up and the house is much tower; there is no revetment. <br /> Mr. Sherman stated more details are needed on the return, in terns of a profile vie . In <br /> a case where you have a revetment that turns inward adjacent to an unrevetted area, <br /> this takes the brunt of northeast winds. <br /> Mr. Rosenberg asked if it is going over the property line? Mr. Hamilton stated it is not. <br /> Mr. Hamilton stated they could provide more detail on the return. The return'essentially <br /> turns back into the grade of the bank. The construction methodology is proposed <br /> analogous to what was used on a property three houses down, a 15' access-way facing <br /> the water to the left of the house. They will bring the construction equipment in by <br /> means of the driveway and create an access-way down the face of the bank. They <br /> will bring materials, as needed, as there is no area to stockpile materiol . They will work <br /> from the beach'to construct most of the revetment and then construct the remaining 15' <br /> wide section of revetment from the top of the bank. Asked if they had selected a <br /> contractor, Mr. Hamilton advised they have been talking with George Gilmore. <br /> Mr. Sherman asked if there is not salt marsh area in front of tiro repair? Mr. Hamilton <br /> stated there is not. There is salt marsh on adjacent properties. That should not be <br /> impacted. <br /> Mr. Rosenberg asked if than is any vegetation along the 15'2. Mr. Hamilton stated them <br /> is existing vegetation along the 15' barrier that will be disturbed and replaced. They are <br /> going to modify the landscape plan to reflect exactly ghat will be disturbed and hover it <br /> will be replaced. He has observed that on the landscaping plan that was.established for <br /> the previous Order of Conditions, the extension of the revetment to the top of the bank is <br /> shown. Mr. Sherman made it clear that the extension was not permitted by that <br /> application because it was not part of the II request. He thought a suitable design <br /> could be arrived at. Mr. Hamilton would like to have a follow-up meeting with the <br /> landscape architect to modify that landscaping plan. <br />