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19 October 2000 <br /> Page 8. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested that we offer an eight ,months extension, which could be <br /> extended again, if need be, on the planting plan occasioned by the previous <br /> application on the clack, the resolution of the-court action. <br /> The Chair asked if that would enable therm to build the revetment. Mr. Sherman stated <br /> no, there is no sense in telling them to do the planting. We originally agreement <br /> of October 31 It, in compensation for the deck, but it doesn't make sense to do that if we <br /> have a revetment repair on the horizon. Temporarily, vire are asking for an extension on <br /> the requirement for the planting under the previous permit. Mr. Sherman stated the <br /> Commission should vote on that. <br /> The Chair asked what are they looking for tonight on the revetment? Mr. Sherman there <br /> will have to be much ,more-detail between ,meetings. The revetment design looks fire. <br /> There will have to be a ,meeting to talk about reveetation . <br /> Mr. Hamilton stated what he specifically is asking tonight, he thought it still would be <br /> fruitful to ,meet with the Commission to recognize the project and get an extension to the <br /> October 31 st deadline, gain support for tallying about it off-line, schedule a time to ,meet, <br /> if the Commission is interested and then come back. <br /> The chair called-for public comment; there was none. <br /> M . Rosenberg was concerned about modifying the previous agreement. Mr. Sherman <br /> advised the ,modification would be more planting, not less. They have to repair the wort <br /> where the equipment comes in and vire would want some compensatory plantings. <br /> Mr. Rosenberg stated since they are going to have to come up with a planting schedule <br /> which is new and more extensive than already permitted, why not let that October 3151 <br /> expire. Mr. Sherman felt the Commission should vote to extend it for eight months and <br /> then withdraw it if necessary. He asked Atty. Joyce if that was correct, as part of the <br /> court agreement? Atty. Joyce agreed that Mr. Sherman was correct, all they are asking <br /> is an extension. By extending the October 31st deadline, it does not mean that this <br /> revetment project is going to be approved. Mr. Sherman added, the planting plan may <br /> become moot. Atty. Joyce stated it may be changed. <br /> VOTE: lotion made and seconded to accept the eight ,month extension from <br /> November 1 st for the plantings. unanimous Vote. <br /> The chair asked the applicant's representatives hover long they wished to'continue. They <br /> thought two gee' s would be sufficient. <br /> Atty. Maffucci stated there are two access issues, one that is access to the actual <br /> property for purposes of looking at the revetment and plantings. His client's position is <br /> the some as when Alec Joyce informed the Commission that as long as there were <br /> reasonable accommodations made to the Hills being there, ,Waking an appointment to <br /> come out and loaf, there is no problem with that. However, there will be no interior <br /> inspections. He stated he did not want to debate that right noir. <br /> The chair stated it had been agreed to not go into that tonight. <br />
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