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19 October 2000 <br /> Page 9. <br /> Atty. Maffucci stated he wanted to put the Commission on notice that this is on the <br /> table...... <br /> Mr. Sherman stated if he reads the Commission's position paper, Town Counsel and vire <br /> do not agree on that but that is subject to further discussions. In terms of this particular <br /> firing, he believes access is needed during construction. He cannot depend upon calling <br /> to get permission to go out there during the riddle of construction if there is a <br /> Northeaster. Atty. Maffucci stated a Northeaster would be an exceptional <br /> circumstance and they would cross that bridge when they get there but the purpose of <br /> routine drop-by inspections, that is not going to happen either. They want to have a <br /> reasonable accommodation but do not grant people popping in. <br /> 4r. Sherman stated he is requesting the Commission to set a precedent. <br /> Mr. Rosenberg stated the Commission will not do it; he will not vote for it. <br /> The Chair stated it is understood what Atty. Maffucci is saying and that there will be <br /> further discussion on this. Atty. Maffucci wanted the Commission to know that if the <br /> permitting is interfered with by the Hill's refusal to consent to these interior inspections, <br /> that is actual and the Hills intend to protect their rights. He grants to put the Commission <br /> n notice of that. <br /> The Chair stated the Commission will protect the rights of the-Town of Mashpee and it's <br /> citizens. <br /> Nor. Sherman stated vire aro not in agreement right now. Town Counsel has informed .us <br /> that it would be entirely fitting and proper for the Commission to add a condition to the <br /> revetment permit, should an Order of Conditions be issued, that all previous Orders of <br /> Conditions have to have all conditions mot before work starts. if is time to have a <br /> conference call or that Mr. Maffucci speak with Torn Counsel, Date Connolly, of <br /> lopelman & Paige. <br /> VOTE: Motion made and seconded fo continue to 2 November 2000 at 7:40 p.m. at the <br /> request of the applicant. Unanimous Vote. <br /> HEARING CONTINUED. <br /> 7:35 EDGE DATER INVESTMENT LTD., Half Tide Marina, continued from 5 October 2000. Tim <br /> Santos of Holmes & McGrath was present. <br /> Ms Boretos stated there is a large beneficial impact in that they have taken the building <br /> out of the V-zone and put it in the -zone. They are proposing a denitrifying system to <br /> deal with public rest rooms for the slips. Rick Fork raised the issue of putting in a pump- <br /> out facility. <br /> Harbormaster Perry Ellis advised there are monies available. <br /> Mr. Santos stated he has not talked with the owners yet. This system is not designed for <br /> this. He will talk to his client. <br />