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be done on the bank and in bare areas; the garden should be <br /> removed. <br /> z f, in the event it is proven this is not Riverfront area, <br /> a caveat can be incorporated into the Conditions. <br /> Mr. Sherman suggested the matter be continued for two weeks <br /> to allow time for hien to meet with Mr. Danders Cawley to review <br /> the situation and devise a plan that is in compliance with <br /> Riverfront Standards. <br /> There being no further commission or public comment, the <br /> Chairman entertained a motion. <br /> MOTION: Michael, Talbot rade a Motion to continue the <br /> Hearing in this matter to February 14, 2002 at 7 : 50 p.m. , at <br /> Applicant' s request; which Motion was seconded by Carole Moore <br /> and so voted unanimously. <br /> oo Fred Mercier, 254 Monomoscoy Road, continued from <br /> January 17, 2002 . RDA <br /> The Chairman recognized Applicant to be present at the <br /> Meeting. <br /> Diane Boret s explained the matter had been continued due to <br /> the fact that upon the original site visit the shed had not been <br /> staked. Applicant has since provided a Plan showing the shed <br /> which is 32 ft. x 14 ft, built on stone. Due to the property <br /> being located within the 1.00 year flood plains, the Building <br /> Department requires tie downs for the structure. She recommended <br /> a legative III Determination. <br /> There being no further Commission or public comment, the <br /> Chairman entertained a motion. <br /> MOTION: Carole Moore rade a Motion for a Negative ill <br /> Determination; which Motion was seconded by Michael Talbot and so <br /> voted unanimously. <br /> 8 : 05 will wbend Development corporation, 33 Shoestring Bay, <br /> continued from January 17, 2002 . o <br /> The Chairman recognized John O'Dea and Peter Sullivan, <br /> Sullivan Engineering, representing Applicant, who provided a <br /> revised Plan to amend the existing order of Conditions. <br /> The area of work limit has been modified; it remains to b <br /> 100 feet from the BVw; and 27 feet from the work limit next door; <br /> the house remains within the approved footprint from the original <br /> Plan. <br /> References were being made to the spa area, which has been <br /> -10- <br />