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IWASHIPEE CONSERVATION COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of April 29, 2004 <br /> Public Hearing <br /> I as pee Town Hail Meeting Room <br /> Commissioners present: Mack Fitzsimmons, Chairman, Michael Talbot, Vice Chairman, <br /> Leonard Pina d, Clerk, Jeffrey Cross, Cass Costa, Stephanie Jones, John Miller, and Ralph <br /> Shaw, <br /> Staff present: Robert Sherman,Agent, tori Soucy,Assistant Conservation Agent, and Frances <br /> Wise, Board Secretary <br /> .hack Fitzsimmons,mons, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m. <br /> Pufic Hearing: Bone. <br /> Non-Hearing Aaenda <br /> Old Business: <br /> 1. Little Neck Bay Association -- 77 Tide Run. Bob said we have a situation regarding an <br /> easement where they had done drain work without a filing. Don Liptack has been there to give <br /> therm some suggestions, and they are going to follow then. They are not going to do a Notice <br /> of Intent—we are just going to agree to the Llptack plan as an enforcement. <br /> At the same time we are addressing the small mortar situation with various feed drains along <br /> Tide Faun, fixing them one at a time. They have asked in a letter if they can separate out these <br /> two actions. Bob and Don Uptack don't see any reason not to. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the Little Neck Bay Association's <br /> request to separate these phases. <br /> 2. (RFAA SE -2257)Discrepancy between BOA plats and ours for 429 Monomoseo . <br /> Mcael Grouke represented the,owner and described the alteration to the plan. He wiH send us <br /> letter stating his request for approval of this adnm`str ti a approval. <br /> Lotion made, seconded and unanimously cawed to approve this administrative approval <br /> pending receipt of a letter requesting it. <br /> 3 <br /> . SAA-SE 43-2192. Bob said this is a request to change the metal ramp to a fiberglass ramp. <br /> He recomnende l approval. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve this administrative approval. <br /> 4. Enforcement- Rogers mitigation plan. Michael will review it. <br /> 5. Approval of minutes for 30 , 3118104 and o . <br />