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Motion made, seconded and unanimously caned to approve the above minutes. <br /> . <br /> 6. Regulations Subcommittee update. Bob and Mike met and agreed that the most urgent thing <br /> is to establish guidelines for revegetation for violations. Mike hopes to have this done in a <br /> month. <br /> . Procurement of filter fabric. Bob said that after clearing this with Jack, he ordered $350 of <br /> heavy-duty filter fabric because they Donn Crupi will do a patch job on the flume. <br /> New Business. <br /> 1. Quinnaquisset sign to the Woodlands. Stephanie said this sign has been hit by a car. Also <br /> the second bench from the entrance has been torn mart. Bob will Imre someone to repair these <br /> things. <br /> Barin enda <br /> :00 p.m., Alan Rad , 24 Waterline N. Drive (construction of 1 OA float, timber walkway and <br /> path). Cass reclused herself from this hearing. Michael trot ke represented the applicant and <br /> described the plan. Bob said he has no problem approving the plan,, pending verification of the <br /> o ft. setback from the wetlands and the resource delineations. Mr. trot ke said he has <br /> i separate revised plans and Bob said he has not had a chance to verify theca. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the plan pending verification of <br /> the resource delineations and the 50 ft. buffer. <br /> 7:05 .m., Nicholas Ta aris, 139 Tide Run (construction of 10A float, timber walkway and <br /> path). Cass reclused herself from this hearing. Michael Grotke represented the applicant and <br /> described the plan. Bob recommended approval pending verification of the resource <br /> delineations and the 50 ft. buffer. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to approve the plan pending verification of <br /> the resource delineations and the 50 ft. buffer. <br /> :10 p.m., Babette E. Liebman, 86 Summersea Road (continued from 4/1/04). Cass reclused <br /> herself from this hearing. Michael Grotzke and Sarah Turan -Flores represented the applicant <br /> Robert Gray, who had been retained by the Commission to evaluate the wildlife habitation at <br /> this site, was also present. Michael Talbot said the concern is that the proposed project would <br /> be built exclusively on the coastal embankment which is identified as a resource area and <br /> therefore does not meet our by-lain in tens of setbacks. <br /> Mr. Gray pointed out the following from this letter of March 15th to the Commission., since this is <br /> small lot in a developed portion of New Seabury, he did not feel that the lot itself has a high or <br /> moderate wildlife value and that it would have only minimal wildlife habitat potential. however, <br /> he said that looking at the existing vegetated community, his opinion was that the most <br /> significant factor regarding our by-law would be existing trees, particulady those that have a <br /> diameter of 10" or more. The most significant tree on the entire lot, unfortunately, is in a <br /> position that makes what the applicant is trying to do quite difficult, and that is the 24"white <br /> pine tree. He would hope that there would be some way to maneuver around the pine tree, <br /> because in his opinion it is providing the most potential for wildlife habitat of all the trees on the <br /> lot. If that tree must be sacrificed because of its position being very dose to the proposed house <br /> 2 <br />