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i <br /> and the septic system, every attempt should be made to maintain as many of the other trees, <br /> which would be easier to protect because most of therm are along the sidelines of the property. <br /> The shrub area on the lot is not very dense. He did not find any evidence of dens in the trees or <br /> the ground dense, but there is some evidence of past use. He said to keep in mind that March <br /> is not the bine of year to make an assessment or bird life and nesting potential, so he could not <br /> make any representation that nesng is occurring or has occurred on this site. He did not see <br /> evidence of nesting at the time he made the surrey. <br /> Michael Talbot said he thinks we should know that Regulation Ira—Coastal Bank, Section <br /> states: "Whenever any poron of a coastal bank 1s vegetated, such orron's topography, plant <br /> community composition and structure, and soil characteristics provide important food, shelter, <br /> migratory and over-wintering areas and breeding, nesting and brood-rearing areas for m4ldlife, <br /> especially birds and mammals." Therefore, the question is, "Does this canopy of trees, <br /> particularly the large trees mentioned, provide such benefits for wildlife as colte t above." Mr. <br /> Gray said the potential is definitely there. <br /> Michael Talbot distributed photos of the site to show that along Su nmersea load, there is a <br /> continuous canopy of trees. His question was, "Does the existence of this corridor canopy of <br /> trees along this portion of Surnmersea adjacent to the marshes of Ockway Bay enhance the <br /> wildlife habitat value of the canopy trees in this particular parcel noes it make it more <br /> valuable by the fact that there is a continuous quarter of canopy trees along that part of <br /> Summer-sea? <br /> Mr. Gray said, "Obviously, the more continuous canopy you have, the higher the use potential is <br /> likely. again, l can't say for sure that this particular set of trees on the lot nor the trees you <br /> reference across the street are presently being used in a manner you described its Regulation <br /> 16. It may be appropriate for some more study to be done as the season gets warmer and birds <br /> of particular interest here will be more acture. Obviously, a small number of trees does not <br /> provide as much wildlife potential as a larger, more dense setting. So the fact that you do have <br /> some trees across the street which are part of an overall canopy continuing down the base of <br /> the coastal bank on the sues of the salt marsh provides more significant features than if you <br /> din"t have the trees across the street." <br /> Michael Talbot: "You said there is a continuous canopy of trees that goes down to the salt <br /> marshes,, at least on this parcel?" <br /> Mr. Gray: "Yes, you have some continuation along both property lines, the trees at the front <br /> along the base of the coastal bank, and the trees across the street, so there would be some <br /> continuum as a result of that.'" <br /> Michael Talbot: "l ou"re also Suggesting that there would be a legitimate purpose in continuing <br /> this examination as we go into the nesting season to observe the value" <br /> Mr. Gray. "l wouldn't want to suggest that the Commission n unnecessarily delay the project, but <br /> obviously its easier to assess animal use at the proper fime of year, and March is not a nesting <br /> period. So obviously if you don't see nests from the previous year, you maybe are dravAng the <br /> wrong conclusion to say there's no nes ng potential on the lot. Perhaps in May or.June you <br /> would have some activity you could pont to. You would want to be checking for small mammals <br /> as well." <br />
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