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.m <br /> stated that he will be onsite prior to the start of the pruning as is customary and will go over what can and <br /> cannot be removed or altered. The Agent recommended a close and issue. <br /> Motion made,seconded and carried unanimously to close and Issue. <br /> 7:06 p.m. Barry and L aura Marsolais, NON—12 Brookside circle <br /> (New single family home with associated appurtenances) <br /> It was read for the record that the applicants had requested a one-month continuance until 10/16/08 <br /> 7:03 p.m- The applicants are still waiting to hear from Natural Heritage. An abutter from the audience <br /> expressed his displeasure that the hearing was being continued, and he was not notified. <br /> Motion made,seconded and unanimously carried for a continuance until 10/16108 @7:03 p.m. <br /> 7:09 p.m. Francis # eave , NOI—42 Cayuga Avenue <br /> Construct and maintain n in perpetuity an existing seasonal dock facilit continued from 08/21108) <br /> 1t was read for the record that the applicant had requested a one-month continuance unti110/16/08 <br /> 7:06 p.m. <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a contlnuance unti110/16/08 a@ 7:00 p#ren. <br /> 7:12 p.m.John McCarthy, ICDA—8 Squaws Lane <br /> (After-the-Fact additional stone driveway with cobble stone apron on shore Drive) <br /> John Slavinsky of Cape and Islands Engineering stood to represent'the applicant. Mr. Slavinsky <br /> explained that the applicant was looking to get an After -the—Fact driveway and cobble stone apron <br /> approved. 11r. Slavinsky a plained that it was left off of the original Iandsoape plan for the property's <br /> previous filing. Mr. Slavinsky explained that he felt the projects meet the performance standards and is in <br /> land subject to coastal storm flowage. The Agent explained that he was asked by the Board of Health to <br /> verify the way that the gravel was brought in for the driveway. The Agent explained that they were <br /> concerned that the septic system would have been compromised if large trucks were used to bring the <br /> gravel onto the area. Mr. Slavinsky explained that the same contractor/company that did the septic <br /> installed the driveway and that he saw no issue there. The Agent stated that he had no other concerns <br /> and recommended a negative determination. <br /> Lotion made, seconded and unanimously carried for a Negative Determination. <br /> 7:15 p.m. Richard Hall, RDA—63 Pond circle <br /> (Build small platform and stairs to access boat) <br /> Mr. Hall stood to explain his application. Mr. Hall described his request to build a small platform and stain <br /> to access his boat. Mr. Hall explained that the last stair will be set back 5 feet from the bank. The Agent <br /> explained that this was a tricky call: he did not know w whether to have Mr. Hall file as a notice of Intent or <br /> an RDA filing. The Agent explained after an onsite and many conversations with Mr. Hall it was decided <br /> that the filing would be as a ITA due to the fact that the stairs Ding installed are removable and the fact <br /> that no vegetation would be removed. Mr. Hall explained that R would have no sono tubes and the ramp <br /> would be hinged. Commissioner Allen questioned where the canal carne'from; the Agent explained that it <br /> had been dug illegally a while back. Commissioner Costa stated that there would be less impact,to the <br /> area because it would eliminate people trampling on the bank itself. Commissioners Fitzsimmons and <br /> Allen questioned the photos of the boat tied to the trees. The Agent explained that he would like to see <br /> the boat tied to the stairs going forward. Commissioner Fitzsimmons asked what the Harbormaster <br /> thought of the project; Ir. Hall and the Agent stated that he was not involved in the project. <br /> Commissioner Fitzsimmons stated that he thought the hearing should be continued until the <br /> Harbor naster could be consulted, Mr. Hall agreed to a two-week continuance for''I0/02/08 a@ 7:24 p.m. <br /> Motion made,seconded and unanimously carried for a continuance until 10102108 a@ 7:24 p.m. <br />