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Agent McManus states that the same comments apply to this project as the previous one on 852 <br /> Monor oscoy as both are very similar. Mr. Sweet is concerned if the patio i above the drainage <br /> and Agent McManus states that there is notation on the plan that there will be a 12"w x 18"d stone <br /> filled trench installed along the entire perimeter of the stone patio. [4 :2 <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to close and Issue <br /> 7:1.8 Mark D lai lis (26 Pembroke Drive) Raze and rebuild.a sunroom and deck, re-grade back yard <br /> with retaining walls and a patio area, install an entry patio and construct a small shed NOI <br /> - <br /> Resource Area.LSCS , Buffer Zone to coastal Bark, BVW, Dean's Bond <br /> Material submitted:Plot Plan—House& Landscape Improvements 12130112 BSS Design <br /> Ia fis Residence 01102112 Centerline Studio <br /> Jack Vaccaro from Vaccaro Environmental Consulting is presenting for the applicant and exp I ai n <br /> that the project involves mostly landscape improvements. There is an element of structural <br /> improvements ent as well. They would,like to restore a native landscape a much a possible. Mr. <br /> Vaccaro explains that there are four activities; the sunroom and deck addition which involves <br /> removing and rebuilding in the sane footprint; installing a front entry way with a patio that entails <br /> widening the driveway; an 8 x 12' shed; and regrading and installation of retaining walls. They have <br /> developed a mitigation plan that was calculated by how much additional impervious surface is <br /> the ' bands'from the resource area. The requirement is a little less than 1000 squ ft. <br /> The mitigation plan includes ornamentals as well as native plants which amount to a little over 1700 <br /> squ. ft. The Agent mentions that he did not see it mentioned in the narrative about (Regulation 81 <br /> nitrogen loading and lawn standards which Aces apply to this project. Jennifer MaIlla states that <br /> they are using the Falmouth Friendly Lawn Program which is noted on the plan. Agent McManus <br /> suggests that the regulation should be referenced in the narrative. Mr. Vaccaro asks if they should <br /> submit correspondence showing their intent and the Agent confirms that they should, <br /> Mr. Sweet asks about the asphalt driveway that looks like it drains towards Pernbroke Drive. Ms. <br /> Malila states that they are placing a drive way combo apron and they can space it generously which <br /> will be permeable and catch whatever comes through there. She also mentions that if the <br /> Commission requires additional trench drain as an extra precaution than they can consider that. <br /> Mr. Vaccaro states that there is sufficient elevation for a trench drain. Mr. Sweet also recommends <br /> dry weIIs for roof runoff and Ms. Mal ila confirms and states that they cl re placing gravel all around <br /> the border of-the house. [56:45] <br /> i <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried to close and Issue <br /> :21 Ruth Vign ti Tide Run) construct a two-story addition located between the existing single <br /> family dwelling and the existing detached garage; and an 8' x ' open framed freestanding <br /> pergola with masonry pagers- RDA <br /> Resource Area:Buffer Zone to Brerir vaeveIar , LSCS <br /> Materia#submitted: I Tors &A Itera tion s 12122111 Bro wn Lindquist Fen uc io& Raber Architects <br /> Fick Fenuccio from Brown Lindquist Fenuccio & Jaber Architects is representing the applicant and <br /> explains that they are proposing an 828 squ. ft., two-story addition. They will be-connecting the <br /> structure from an ex i sting house to a detached garage. The closet point of construction to the <br /> resource area is 68 ' ' back from the edge of the vegetated wetland. Agent McManus states'that <br /> the proposed additions are all outside of the o' buffer to the BVW and have no impact to the. <br /> resource area. [1:001 <br /> Motion made, seconded and unanimously arried'f r a [Negative Determination <br /> 7:24-Russell McDonald a canonehet Avenue) Modification of an existing retaining wall - RDA <br />