TOWN of M91PEE, BOARD of HF LTH, PEETING, MAY 113 1987 Page three
<br /> A rimer in attendance (O'Donnell) is quoted as saying, "I've been attending meetings on th i s
<br /> water p rob l em over this 1 a st year . Sarrrewhere along the line, someone here in Mash pee is going to
<br /> have to say, who's in charge of what. the Board of Selectmen, the,dater Cornissioners, the Board
<br /> f ilea l th, DEQE; someone is going to haveto be in charge of this project. have a problem over
<br /> there, it seems that ever rtime s mthing eaves up, you people tape it on ,your own to go over there
<br /> and put notices to the owners, they get into the newspaper, that well had already been shut off,
<br /> we're running good water to that-building. You go over there and send notices to the owners of
<br /> that building saying they had two weeks to comply+to change the water supply in that building, the
<br /> owners have nothing to do with the water supply in that building, it's the Board of Trustees, not
<br /> the owners, they own inside their bu i ld i s. So I think from now, sane is go i nr to have to be
<br /> in chane of something around here, when they're going to get their act together, one person, or,,
<br /> one Board is going to be the deciding board in-what decision is going to b made. Now I was at
<br /> that meeting at Lakeville last week, nobody from the BOH was there, why not, the Board of Select-
<br /> men were there, the water CuTmi ss ioner was there, you p p 1 e weren't there." You peop 1 e come in-
<br /> 'to
<br /> n-'t the act.
<br /> CFB: "Because we were given the responsibility'"
<br /> O'Donnell: "Who gave ,you hte respons i b i l i ty'
<br /> OFB: 1 1 DEQE 1
<br /> O'Donnell: "Well,, I taped to DEQE just before WHO 'cal led me Thursday, he was not even aware of
<br /> this meeting here, why wasn't DEQF called down here for this meeting?
<br /> OFB: ''We don't have to notify DEE until we cone to a conclusion."
<br /> O'Donnell: Nell,, who's going to come to a conclusion, the BOH?"
<br /> OFB: NO are, we are going to tell the Selectmen,, or the water Co m i s s i one rs, we are not sure who
<br /> is handling it. The BOH cannot contract for water, the BOH does not have money to buy a filter,
<br /> e have been told by the Selectmen that they will supply the money for that filter, orwhatever
<br /> solution canes up."
<br /> o'Donne 11: "You rea I i ze of course, 'that the Town of �bhpee j ust rete i ved a 'Letter of Res pons i-
<br /> bi l ity' , that the Town of Vshpee is responsibility for the contamination of the wells in Sxmer-
<br /> OFB: "I realize that, and do you realize''that that was addressed -to the Selectmen?"
<br /> r
<br /> O'Donnell: "That's what �I'm getting at,, don't both Ards work together?"
<br /> OFB: I'm sorry, let re go back,'I think I rough l y exp 1 a i ned it to ,you in a telephone conversation."
<br /> O'Donnell-, '�Nc w I go over thea todayand ,you put more notices in the doors over there. I told ,you
<br /> from now on ,you deal with me." r
<br /> f � t
<br /> DFB: "Arse you representing , are you.representing a.l 1 the people in Building #14?"
<br /> O'Donnell: "We represent the whole Board of- Trustees."
<br /> OFB; "I know that ,you are, but, the people-who are living in Building #14 have a right to represent
<br /> these l ve s, have a right to be i of nT d of this meeting. I feel the responsibility to i nforrn the
<br /> People in Building 14 of what is going on with their building. We invited ,you here because you
<br /> told us you were a representative of the corporation, if that's what it is, the &nmrwood Corp,"
<br /> O'Donnell.- "Board.of Trustees."
<br /> OFB: "The Board of Trustees of u mrwood, and I'm perfectly happy - to talk with ,you as that, but,
<br /> I also feel that the pop 1 e from B 1 dg 14 need to krow d i rect l from this Board, as long as th i s
<br /> Board is going to be charged-with the responsibility of having to informs them that the well for i
<br /> their~ building has to be c 1 o sed and they must find a second, and I think i informed ,you at that
<br /> time thatthese rules and regulations were punt in, nobody ever heard- of a condominium."
<br /> MC:
<br /> I think we're r gu i red by law to notify, I don't =mo i rik we're trying to, I'm new but I'm a l i tt l e
<br /> familiar with what's going on, I think we're regu i reed by law to notify every haeowner,, if it's a
<br />