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to speak. He was a taxpayer in that town. They wouldn't let him speak <br /> because he wasn't a resident of the town. The worse they could say is no. <br /> They should all work toetheria <br /> i <br /> Ms. Marden felt that the "Tinderbox is a unique situation. <br /> Ms.- Grady suggested that they put something in that would disallow <br /> anyone open up another Tinderbox type of establishment. she <br /> recommended that they follow something under the smoking bar <br /> definitions They require a retail permit from us. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that people bring their own stuff. They really don't sell <br /> food products. The only thing he saw was bottled Water and soda. There <br /> wasn"t a fee. <br /> Ms, Grady's was concerned with people trying to open places where <br /> people could go to smoke. <br /> Illi , Warden asked her if she felt that that was something that would really <br /> happen. <br /> Mr, Ball felt that that was discriminatory and illegals <br /> Mr. Santos didn't think this was something to be concerned with. It has <br /> only been this one store for a very long timeN. <br /> Ms. Grady asked what type of ventilation system would they have to have. <br /> Mr. Sall replied that that type of detail would have to be part of their <br /> variance request including maintenance contract would be required. But,. <br /> to get back to her original question. He didn't think that they could do <br /> what she was proposing.'However, any individual that would come in front <br /> of therm beam would be their right to deny or approve. <br /> Mr. Santos asked if they could leave c" as is. <br /> llllr. Sall replied lied that they could not do that because it would not provide <br /> for a variance situations <br /> [Ills. Grady argued that it could provide for a variance. <br /> Mr., Ball countered that it stated that it could not be compromised in <br /> Section li section Imes <br /> Ms, Grady stated that they would be opening themselves up for the <br /> establishment of"smoking bars"D <br /> 39 :.. <br />