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Mr, Ball countered that that was not discussed In Section 1. <br /> Ms. Grady stated that further on in the regulation would allover them to <br /> qualify as a "smoking bar", <br /> Mr. Ball suggested that they should add to this that section 1 and 111 is not <br /> compromised. Because section l did not cover that under the definitions, <br /> He did not see a definition for a "smoking bar" under Section 1, He felt that <br /> " should be as it is ream except at the end - sections 1 and Ill, <br /> Mr. Santos stated that they had to get moving along. He didn't have any <br /> problems with section c" as to how it was written. <br /> Ms, Grady agreed with Mr. Santos. <br /> Mr. Santos continued by stating that it still gave thein the ability to grant <br /> or not grant... <br /> Mr, Ball asked Mr. Santos to clarify the ability to grant or not grant what. <br /> Mr, Santos re-iterated that they could grant or not grant any variances. <br /> The board was the deciding body. They would determine whether or not <br /> Section 1 was being compromised by the requested variance. . <br /> Mr. Harrington recommended that the board members read just above <br /> Section 11 authority on the first page number three. 1t says "therefore" in <br /> the last sentence. <br /> Ir. Ball interpreted this part of the regulation as preventing the Tinderbox <br /> from have a smoking area. The Tinderbox could not do it regardless of any <br /> requested variances. <br /> Mr. Harrington confirmed that this section delineated "any enclosed public <br /> reap."They could grant a variance.that would be in direct conflict with <br /> Section 1. That would be his recommendation to the board. Whether they <br /> would grant it or not would be up to the board* <br /> Mr, Ball asked Mr, Harrington to re-stated his recommendation. <br /> Mr, Harrington re-iterated that he would recommend that the board <br /> members not grant the variance because it was in conflict with this <br /> particular section, <br /> r <br /> Ms. Grady asked if there had ever been anyone from the Tinderbox present � r <br /> at the meetings,. _ <br /> f r <br /> 41 Lil <br /> 40 <br />