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4 <br /> Mr. Harrington replied that he had called because he had spoken to him. <br /> Ills, Grady continued by stating that she wouldn't know what he looked <br /> like. she felt that if he had been that worried about it he would have been <br /> here at some point. <br /> Ms. Warden added that she didn't feel that many people used that room to <br /> begin'with* <br /> Mr, Ball felt that some letters carne from him. <br /> Mr, Mitrokostas stated that he wouldn't be losing a lot of money litre other <br /> establishments. <br /> Nis, Warden stated that he specialized in tobacco products and <br /> paraphernalia <br /> Mr. Santos asked then to move along because the hour was getting late. <br /> Mr. Ball asked what they granted to do about "s <br /> Ills. Grady recommended that they leave it. <br /> Mr. Ball asked Mr. Santos if it was agreeable with him. <br /> Mr. Santos os re lied that it was agreeable-with him. -Mr. Santos moved onto <br /> to Section Ifil violations and enforcement penalties. He felt that that was <br /> pretty straightforward. They moved on to section that involved the <br /> effective date of April I'll, 2003. <br /> Mr. Harrington asked if they were going to stick to that date. <br /> Mr. Santos asked if they wanted to have this re-written with the <br /> corrections made both to the regulations and the typographical errors: <br /> Mr. Ball re-eiterated the one sentence in "C" that needed to be removedis <br /> Mrs Santos stated that they have created a new regulation that really <br /> needed to be completed this evening. The public property Is still an issue. <br /> Smoking should be prohibited in all food service establishments, lounges, <br /> bars, smoking-bars; torn owned, operated, leased or occupied buildings, <br /> including recreational fields and playgrounds* What he was trying to do <br /> was to cover all of the fields. His big thing was the grounds. The men <br /> working in the DPW garages if they were working out back and outside the <br /> building chipping wood. They want to have a coffee break they couldn't <br /> i 1 tm <br />