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have a cigarette. <br /> 1r, Ball disagreeds He felt that they could have a cigarette. They could <br /> corns in front of the board and request a variance for a designated area. <br /> Mr. Santos continued that the problem that he had is that banning <br /> smoking inside any of the structures, He agreed 100% with IVIS, rady's <br /> statement that walking through the doorway with people smoking is not <br /> appropriate. They should not be standing in front of the doors. if a town <br /> employee cannot walk to the middle of the parking let and stand next t <br /> his car and light up his cigarette Will this lead to them stating that they <br /> couldn't smoke in the Common9s. parking let or Andy"s Market. It is the <br /> sane t#"'ing. <br /> Mr. I litrokostas stated that they could walk by and smoke on his sidewalk <br /> and it wouldn't be against the rule. It was not town owned property. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that the sidewalk was town owned property if it wasn't <br /> against his building* He felt that it was going to be really hard to draw the <br /> line to determine where torn property was going to start and stop. <br /> Mr. Ball re-iterated that they could come and ask for a variance. <br /> llllr. Santos asked why they should have to go through the variance <br /> process when you are not letting anyone else do it. <br /> Mr. Ball asked why they should cater to the town employees* We <br /> represent the town. We are going to punish the private enterprise, But, we <br /> are going to let the torn employees do what they want. <br /> Mr. Santos disagreed that that wasn't whet they were going to do. They <br /> could walk down ino's sidewalk and light up a cigarette without an issue, <br /> We are telling people they can't do it here. <br /> Mr. Mitrokostas suggested that it was going to take four and five meeting <br /> more to get everything straightened out. <br /> lr. Santos disagreed and felt that this was the only sticking point. <br /> • <br /> Mr. Ball stated that Mr. Santos voted to barn the smoking without the <br /> grounds. He and Nls,, Grady noted to include the town grounds. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that once this thing was all said and done they would <br /> vote on it. Right? <br /> Mr. Ball stated that they had already voted on that atnywayse <br /> 4 ' <br /> 42 <br />