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IL <br /> Mr. Santos argued that they hadn"t voted on that issue. <br /> Mrs Bali stated that they had voted on the grounds issue. <br /> Mr. Santos agreed that they had voted on the separate grounds issue, <br /> Mr, Ball stated that the discussion on that issue was over as far as he was <br /> concerned# <br /> Mr, Santos countered that they never had a vote to ban smoking. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that they had a votes They had two motes in the minutes. <br /> Mr. Santos wouldn't vote on the grounds issue. Mr. Santos made a vote to <br /> ban all smoking in all bars and restaurants. Then Ms, Grady voted to add <br /> the grounds into it. He seconded that vote, it was done. if these people <br /> that Mr, Santos was so concerned about had a problem with the vote then <br /> they should come and speak with the board. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that when this regulation is all said and dome with. They <br /> will vete on the changes and the whole package. <br /> Mr. Ball agreed that they would vote on the whole package. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that that was just what he had gotten through saying. <br /> But,, Mr. Ball just jumped down his throat. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that Mrs Santos wanted to change it and it won't change. <br /> Ms. Warden stated that they don't have a definition regarding "enclosed". <br /> Ms. Carron stated that Mrs Harrington was looking therm up. <br /> Mr. Santos stated that his biggest point is that the board members were <br /> looking like real jerks& <br /> Mr. Ball asked him who thought they were looking like jerks. <br /> Mr. Santos replied that they were looking like real jerks to everybody. <br /> Mr. Ball's position was that people felt they were being fair and that what <br /> was good for one was good for all. He felt that Mr. Santos was <br /> misinformed. <br /> Mfr. Santos replied that he was-not misinformed if people are coning up to <br /> Minn and saying it to his face. <br />