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Mr. Ball asked him to name the people. <br /> Mr. Santos responded that it was tons of people. <br /> Mrs Ball asked him if they were town employees. <br /> Mr. Santos replied that there hadn't been one torn employee. There were <br /> town residents that have stated that they were going to allow it on the <br /> beach but not in the parking lot. <br /> Mr. Bail stated that this was just like the threats. Was he going to take the <br /> threats seriously? <br /> Ms. Grady stated that as it stands now they would have a meeting until <br /> the26 <br /> y <br /> Mr. Ball thought this was going to be settled tonight. <br /> Ms. Grady stated that she was under the same impressions <br /> Mr. Santos stated that the final draft had to be drawn up, <br /> Mrs Ball felt that they could settle this all tonight. They could vote on it <br /> and condition the final draft for it to be all done. <br /> Ms, Grady felt that they could sit here right now and come up with their <br /> own definition of an enclosed space. <br /> Mr. Darrington stated that the definition of an enclosed area is that "such <br /> an area is not enclosed except for one side that joins the establishment," <br /> That means that the three other sides have to be opened. He asked if he <br /> was assuming that that definition was the correct one, <br /> Ms, Grady felt that that was ar correct definition* she continued by stating <br /> that if they wanted to they could put in that portable curtains cannot be <br /> used as a part of the enclosure. <br /> Mr, Santos went back to the previous issued that was being discussed He <br /> stated that he was not in agreement with voting on this. He wanted a final <br /> agreement In front of them for final signatures. Then once the document <br /> was signed by all beam members it would be sentoff, Correct? <br /> Mrs p <br /> Harrington replied that Mrs Santos called the Grote and he was the <br /> g <br /> hairman4 <br /> Flyy "-may�;+J <br />