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Mr* Santos asked if Mr,, Ball was going to be able to make the meeting not <br /> the day after Christmas but the following Thursday. <br /> Mrs Ball responded that he was going to Florida the day after Christmas for <br /> fifteen days. <br /> Ms, Garron stated that Mr. Ball wouldn't be here for the January 91h 2003, <br /> elate. The following date would be January 23''x, 2003s <br /> 1s.Warden suggested that they meet next week just for the smoking <br /> regulation and be done with the issue. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he would not be here next geek because he was going <br /> to Maine. There were only a few changes to the regulation and <br /> typographic errors.. <br /> Ms, Grady stated that it was definition of"enclosed" difference in <br /> structure and elimination that sentence. <br /> (Further discussion ensued about when to have the next meeting.) <br /> Ms,Marden brought up the fact that they still had to go over the budget. <br /> Therefore they should really make a decision as to when they could or <br /> could not meets <br /> Mr. Harrington stated that the budget was due on Friday. <br /> Mr. Ball stared that they could make a decision tentatively until the final <br /> draft was in and he wouldn't have to be there for the final draft. If they <br /> made a decision tonight to approve the final regulation. <br /> Ms. Grady stated that he had to sign the final regulation. <br /> Mr. Ball stated that he could tonne In during the day to sign the final <br /> document. He didn't have to be at the meetings <br /> Mr. Santos decided to move on to the budgets' <br /> . Budget 0 <br /> Mr. Harrington began by stating that he had completed the nuts and bolts <br /> of as far as working out the figures and the narrative is about the goals for <br /> the coming year and what happened last year* He hadn't honestly gotten <br /> to what he wanted to do the first year. It was really pretty much the <br /> transition ]I ear. That was what he was going to say. He and els.-Carron got <br /> through their probationary period and a year under their belts. Again he <br /> wanted to go for the food training to get food handlers training and <br />