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hazardous material regulations in place. He was also going to revamp-the <br /> regulations overall because many of them are old and decrepit and not <br /> really usable. He will include that in his write-up. <br /> Mr., Ball stated that basically the budget shows the department to be level <br /> funded accept the raises that are due. <br /> Mr, Harrington agreed that the numbers they were looking at are level <br /> funding. He did not request an addition in anything other than his and Ills. <br /> arron's steps. Ms. Warden is maxed out at her steps. The only thing that <br /> IVIS. Warden got an increase in was her 15-year longevity increase, which <br /> went from $350.00 to $425*00m That was really the increase and he had <br /> addressed that in his narrative. <br /> Mr, Santos asked what the total part time was. <br /> Mr, Harrington replied that it was the board meeting, one thing that Ms. <br /> Warden advised him of was that the town tried to do before was try to get <br /> rid of the board secretaries. The board secretary is required by statue. <br /> Should they start trying to out the time and money for the board secretary <br /> they would have to hire and outside person to do it They were not open <br /> and available to that* <br /> l Mr. Santos asked that on the landfill 2004 they were not requesting the <br /> $28,000,00, <br /> Mr, Harrington responded that they didn't have it in writing yet rom <br /> Woodard and Curran. He was waiting to see exactly what their figures <br /> were going to be. He would include the $5,000-00 over that for the lawn <br /> mowing. They have requested the contract from Moe" on the mowing. <br /> Those were the only figures they were waiting on right now. <br /> Mr. Santos was under the impression that they were going to increase the <br /> amount for the mowing. <br /> Ms.Warden stated that they hadn't asked for an increase in the amountm <br /> She asked Mr, Harrington when the bud et package had cora in. Last <br /> week? <br /> Mr. Harrington replied that they received it at the last department head <br /> meeting, He continued by stating that they have requested that they do <br /> level service, level funding and 10% cut on operation costs not on <br /> salaries, He worked it out that if you add up fiscal year 2002 all the money <br /> that they spent on operating expenses is $119622.00. it works out that a "T <br /> 10% out of what they have requested for fiscal year 2004 it works out to w. ..;;. <br /> e $11,700,00, so if they out us 10% on each account they were going to „v <br />