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have $78,00 to spare if 2004 mirrors 2003. That won't leave therm with a <br /> hell of a lot of breathing room,, Might now there are accounts that are <br /> close enough right now with what they have given the department for <br /> 2003. He was requesting the sane thing basically for 2004. if they were <br /> going to cut the department the 10% he would be back here for money for <br /> three possibly four out of the eight accounts. He would advise therm that <br /> that Wasn't very efficient have a health agent stand'in front of therm for <br /> four out of eight accounts for more money. He was no longer a health <br /> agents He would be a bureaucrat, He didn't want to be put in that position. <br /> It would be stupid for therm to out the department 10% when they were <br /> barely over as it ism Did they want them to come to the finance committee <br /> or be a health agent? <br /> Mr. Ball suggested that Mr. Harrington remind therm that the department <br /> took a big out last year of almost $30,000,00. <br /> FIs. Grady confirmed that it was $28,855.00. <br /> Mr. Harrington stated that they asked for$50,000.00 on the Weston and <br /> Sampson contract* <br /> Mr. Ball stated that it was the $9,000.00 that was not used to repair the <br /> wells, <br /> Mrs, Harrington confirmed that that was correct, They said that they would <br /> give it to the departrnernt. But they would have to request it from theme <br /> Ms, Grady felt that the approval of the smoking regulation was going to <br /> add to the department's obligations without providing additional <br /> personnel. <br /> Mr. Santos asked if there were any justification forms. <br /> rm Harrington replied that the comments were the justification. They <br /> would want justification for everything. <br /> Mr. Santos asked if the vaccines were part of the budget. <br /> Mrs. Harrington replied that the vaccines were free from the state. <br /> (A discussion ensued regarding the procurement of vaccines from the <br /> states) <br /> 1r. Darrington continued that the salaries were pretty straightforward and <br /> the rest was the truer which was what each of the accounts covered <br /> 7 <br /> - F <br />