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i <br /> 10 Accounts Pgable w firs. Botsford presented the warrants for signature. They are for the month of July <br /> 2010 and total as follows: $8,634.21 for 4001, $9,897.32 for Section B, $20,451'00 for MRVP, and <br /> $25,376.83 for Asher's Path Apartments. <br /> Rent Delin uencies; firs. Botsford reported that we have all rents paid in full at Breezy Acres, Hoyer <br /> Village and Asher"s Path. we currently have no vacancies at Homeyer village or Breezy Acres. we have <br /> one unit at Asher"s Path and I am in the process of trying to get PPI approval for a lease signing in <br /> August. <br /> motion was made by His. Allen and seconded by Mr. Harsch to accept the treasurer*s report � <br /> I <br /> as presented. The notion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR"S REP <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had mailed her report to the board for the month of.duly and she added the <br /> following as an addendum to her report: <br /> The annual recertification process is wrapping up for Asher"s Path residents. <br /> The quarterly report for quarter ended Jure 30, 2410 was done and submitted to l HI . A copy <br /> is in your board packet. <br /> • we received a correspondence from the Town Clerk regarding new procedures for the Open <br /> Meeting Law. A copy of that correspondence is in your packet. <br /> I am scheduled for ray Total Knee Replacement Surgery on Monday. I should be recovered <br /> enough to come back to work in 6-8 weeks(full recovery is 6 months). with the board's <br /> approval, I plan on doing what I did the last time I had surgery and work from home over the <br /> Internet. fly husband will courier work back and forth for ane until I can return to work gradually. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres E pansion..updat f firs. Botsford gave the board a brief update on the project. A letter was <br /> sent to the town to request that they reconsider either allowing an easement on town propel or re-- <br /> negotiating the charges to tie into the high school septic treatment system. A meeting was held with the <br /> town to discuss the costs of tying the project's septic into the high school system. The meeting went very <br /> well and we are waiting to hear back from the town with regards to some new cost figures. We are <br /> loping that we can reach an agreement on this. Mrs. Botsford reported that she has not yet received a <br /> drafted Development Agreement from HAC., but expects to receive one soon; Hopefully this can be <br /> negotiated and signed off on by October. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Approval of Fee Accountant's Contract: firs. Botsford gave the members a copy of the drafted fee <br /> accountant contract. After a grief discussion a motion was made by Ms.Allen and seconded by Mr. <br /> Harsch to approve the contract as presented. The motion carried. <br /> Adoption of Amended B)-Laws: Mrs. Botsford had previously sent to hoard members the daft of the <br /> proposed amended By-Laws. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Harsch and <br /> seconded by Ms. Allen to approve the amended -laws. The motion carried. <br /> Section 8 Utility Allowance Schedules ado tion: Mrs. Botsford provided the members with the new utility <br /> allowance schedules for 2010. She requested that they be adopted effective September 1, 2018. After <br /> brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Harsch and seconded by Mr. Shackett to adopt all <br /> the section 8 Utility Allowance Schedules to 3o into erect for September 1, 2010. The <br /> motion carried. <br /> -2- <br />